Our Partners

The Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) is the largest inter-governmental organisation of Muslim States that are bound together in common values and committed to peace, stability and development. The OIC provides humanitarian assistance to countries affected by natural disasters, conflict and instability, both directly and through accredited NGOs. In February 2011, Muslim Aid signed an MOU with the OIC in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, establishing a strategic partnership that will enable implementation of long-term sustainable development programmes, helping to accelerate economic growth and social progress in the most vulnerable communities. Muslim Aid is working with the OIC in the WFP food distribution project in Somalia.

The Islamic Development Bank (IDB) is a multilateral development financing institution and was formally opened in 1975 in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The purpose of the IDB is to foster economic development and social progress of member countries (56) and Muslim communities in non-member countries individually as well as jointly in accordance with its objectives of poverty alleviation and sustainable development. In February 2011, Muslim Aid signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Islamic Development Bank to facilitate cooperation between the IDB and Muslim Aid in fields of health and education, to promote human development and the social progress of Muslim communities worldwide and establish the necessary arrangements to implement these goals. Muslim Aid is the first European humanitarian organisation that has entered into a partnership with the IDB for poverty alleviation and achievement of the MDGs. Muslim Aid has recently worked with the IDB in Bangladesh on a $3 million Islamic microcredit project, giving assistance to people affected by Cyclone Sidr.

Qatar Charity (QC) is an international non-profit and non-governmental humanitarian organisation founded in 1980, in Qatar. It is the oldest and biggest voluntary organisation in the State of Qatar and has its headquarters in Doha. It is administered by a General Assembly and a Council of Directors and is currently serving in more than 36 countries in Asia, Africa and Southern Europe either through field offices or through national partners in host countries. It also has offices in Pakistan, Indonesia and Bangladesh. In 2010 Muslim Aid signed an MOU with Qatar Charity, having worked with the organisation in Sri Lanka on emergency relief and Internally Displaced People (IDP) resettlement projects.

Age Concern Tower Hamlets provides services to elderly people in need throughout the borough of Tower Hamlets. They specialise in social advocacy work, campaigning with and on behalf of elderly people, as well as researching the needs of older people, pioneering projects and looking at new ways to address problems. Muslim Aid is working with Age Concern Tower Hamlets on the Handyperson project.

BOND Bond is the UK membership body for non-governmental organisations (NGOs) working in international development. Established in 1993, Bond now has over 330 member organisations, from large organisations with a world-wide presence to smaller, more specialist organisations working in specific regions or with specific groups of people.”

Crisis Action is an international, non-profit organisation which aims to help avert conflicts, prevent human rights abuses and ensure governments fulfil their obligations to protect civilians.Crisis Action works closely with a diverse range of partners who are all concerned with tackling the immediate effects or long-term consequences of conflict.

ECHO The European Commission for Humanitarian Aid is one of the world's main humanitarian aid donors. We are currently working with ECHO on our rehabilitation and reconstruction projects in Bangladesh after cyclone Sidr.

Global Medic Muslim Aid has worked closely with Canadian-based relief organisation Global Medic to provide emergency medical care and water purifying systems to people affected by the recent floods and earthquakes across the world. Global Medic is the operational arm of the David McAntony Gibson Foundation (DMGF), a registered Canadian charity that runs capacity building programs in post conflict nations and provides disaster relief services to large scale catastrophes around the world.
HAP- The Humanitarian Accountability Partnership strives to make sure that work carried out by humanitarian agencies is accountable and that promises are met to its intended beneficiaries. They take into account of the views, needs and capacities of disaster survivors so that the quality and effectiveness of their humanitarian work is improved. Muslim Aid joined the partnership in January 2007.

IFRC (The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies) – The world's largest humanitarian organisation, they strive, through voluntary action, for a world of empowered communities, better able to address human suffering and crises. The Federation, together with National Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross, make up the International Red Cross and Red

UMCOR (The United Methodist Committee on Relief) Another important partnership following joint work in Sri Lanka was formally declared on 26th June 2007, with one of the world’s most prominent non-proselytising Christian relief agencies, UMCOR.
UMCOR and Muslim Aid first began working together in Sri Lanka in 2005 following the tsunami disaster. They were one of the few organisations to provide relief when the fighting broke out in Mutur, Sri Lanka in the summer of 2006. Whilst working closely to serve the people of this region, the two faith-based organisations realised the potential for a worldwide partnership.

Waterwise is a UK NGO focused on decreasing water consumption in the UK by 2010, raising awareness of water wastage in the UK and building the evidence base for large scale water efficiency. They are the leading authority on water efficiency in the UK. Muslim Aid and Waterwise are working together for the Love water, Love Life Campaign to raise awareness of water shortages in developing countries.
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