
Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF), a Delhi based not-for-profit organization, registered under Societies Act XXI of 1860 in 2002, working at grassroots of India to create economic and commercial viability using means of Information, Communication and Technology (ICT). Since its inception in December 2002, Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) has engaged itself into number of activities while pursuing its mission and objectives of ICT delivery and promotion in India. One of its focus areas of intervention had been development, promotion, spread and usage of content for grassroots use and consumption.
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The Public Interest Registry (PIR), a non-profit organisation, promoted by the Internet Society, is the operator of the world’s third largest generic top level domain – .ORG and maintains the database of all .ORG domain names. The .ORG is one of the globally identified domains, which have been shaping the identity of numerous global communities such as businesses, educational and academic institutions, large scale and small scale enterprises, communities, campaigns and individuals. Numerous entities all over the world today rely on the .ORG extension to propagate their various objectives ranging from strictly economic.
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India Development Alternatives Foundation (IDAF) is a non-for-profit organization which aims to harbinger development and social change through participative involvement of development experts, policy- makers, social-scientist, political-executives, technology-drivers and the common people. IDAF is focused on using Information Communication Technology (ICT) for sustainable and socio-politico-economic development of the communities through livelihood projects, democratic and transparent governance…..
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The Open Institute is a non-governmental and not-for-profit organization that envisions Cambodia as a country in which widespread access to high quality education, information, communications and technology lead to a more developed and just society. The mission of the organization is to ensure that the benefits of technology for social and economic advance are usable in Cambodian society. At present, the Open Institute implements five programs: SPICE (Structuring Partnership for Innovative Communication Environment), Women Empowerment for Social Change, Open Schools, Khmer Software Initiative, and Lexicography. Our outstanding expertise is the strategic use of Information and Communication Technology for Social Development……
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The group was formed out of the idea that many youths with resourceful and brilliant brains lost direction and got wasted due to lack of motivation and advice. It was observed that this situation made many youths to indulge in immoral and ill behaviors such as prostitution, theft, burglary, robbery, thuggery, drug abuse, alcoholism and corruption. This resulted to insecurity, poverty, illiteracy and underdevelopment in the society. Youths were displayed has tools of political violence, and servants if social evil in the society. Brains vision youths network thus sought to bring youths together in order to network on ways in which they can improve their livelihood thus escaping the rot in the society. It came as a transformational tool that aims to convert the wasted life of youths into the resourceful life…….
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Technology For The People (TFTP), founded as a technical support organisation, promotes developmental issues through appropriate technology and support the use of ICT in expanding the existing activities in areas of education, hygiene, child rehabilitation and economic empowerment. It facilitates innovative ways in which technology can be leveraged to bring about economic empowerment to marginalized communities. TFTP provides services ranging from field studies, skill mapping…..
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SRISTI GYAN KENDRA1 is pursuing mission of documenting & disseminating knowledge related to sustainable technologies, green grassroots Innovations and Traditional Knowledge. Volunteers started work of Scouting and Documenting best examples of Traditional Knowledge, Grassroots Innovations in year 1997. The idea of SRISTI GYAN KENDRA (SGK) emerged in Year 2002 at Pantnagar, Uttaranchal. In year 2007 SGK was formally incorporated at Rohtak Haryana India……
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Dedication to serve the humanity gives motivation for the formation of ALOK. Actually, a group of dedicated social activists met together in 1980s and discuss about the multi dimensional exploitation of the down trodden of this region comprises of SCs, Sts, EBCs minorities and women and showed their devotion to work against such exploitation. ALOK is the out come of that devotion.After taking decision of constitute a non-governmental organization for socioeconomic & educational upliftment of excessive exploited persons of the society for its long live its aims and objectives are decided by the general body of ALOK…..
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Mountain Forum Himalayas is a collective platform initiated by CASA for addressing the issues specific to hilly States of Himachal Pradesh and Uttaranchal in 1997. The forum has identified four core areas for its work, after a careful analysis of ground situation. These are – local self-governance, disaster management, natural resource management, women development & empowerment and capacity building of CSOs. To impart clarity in its functioning, a concept note on Mountain Forum was prepared……
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Computer Association of Nepal (CAN) was formed in May 1992 but was formally registered in December 1992 with the involvement of professionals, specialists, manufacturers, institutions and relate organizations from the Information Communication Technology sector in Nepal. It is the umbrella organization with membership base ranging from ICT Institutions, Associations to Individuals working in this sector. A representative of the private sector the association also works closely with the government as the President of CAN is member of the Board of the High Level Commission of Nepal. It works along the lines of an autonomous, non-political……
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The roots of Henvalvani Community Radio, Chamba, were laid in September 2001 when a group of young rural youth came together in an attempt to find a distinct voice of their own. The Himalaya Trust, an NGO based in Dehradun conducted a radio training with the group, teaching them basics of recordings, specially focused on highlighting the needs of their local communities. For the groups members, making topical programs and airing them back in the hill villages in their vicinity was a first step towards an information revolution, and they have never looked back since. Not having any steady platform to air back their programs from, initially Henvalvani (or the voice of Henval, a name derived from the valley where the initiative is located) used to narrowcast…..
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Development and North East India is seen to be opposite to each other. One of the strategic regions of India with eight vibrant states with each having distinct social, cultural, economic indicators, the region needs fruits of development along with rest of the country. It is high time that political representatives, policy framers, policy executioners, corporate entities and development experts focus on increasing development requirements in the region. We at North East Development Foundation are making a small efforts in enabling development initiatives in the region across diverse sectors. We urge various stakeholders to join us in these efforts to enable development reaching the communities at the grassroots in the distant lands of North East India…..
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At the stroke of midnight, on 15th August 1947 India awoke to freedom. The cost of this freedom was phenomenal in terms of loss of property and human lives as a consequence of partition. The exchange of population across borders forced millions to live in alien surroundings and subhuman conditions. In this hour of agony and grief, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru requested his very close friend Bishop Picket to initiate a response from the Indian Protestant and Orthodox Churches. On his request, the National Council of Churches in India responded by forming the ‘NCC Relief Committee’ for immediate response as an expression of solidarity with the suffering masses, which later went on to become the Church’s…..
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The Central Himalayan Environment Association, CHEA in short, was founded on October 2, 1981, on a day which has special significance for India, being the birth-day of the Father of the Nation, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. The society was registered soon afterwards in May, 1982. Arguably CHEA is one of the earliest societies founded in Northern India which had ‘ the environment and the livelihood of the people in the Himalayas ‘ as its core concern.Prosperous, self reliant and secure mountain communities committed to peace, equity and environmentally sound sustainable development……
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Impulse works toward ensuring equal human rights are provided for all, particularly women and children. This mission is two-fold: to provide direct provisions for those in need of care, protection, and empowerment; and to create networks with the community, other NGOs/CBOs, and government bodies to ensure a rights-based approach is used by all, as well as sustainable livelihoods are available for those who need them. To enable the creation of a just and equitable social order, Impulse is committed to the goal of enabling individuals to live a life of dignity and respect……
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SAMPANN was formed in 2010 to work with working poor involved in informal sectors. It has been working with these poor to provide them with livelihood and food security and dignity. It revolves around micro finance and micro credit activities with the involvement of Groups. In this way SAMPANN make them economically strong. Waste Management is started as the remedy of pain and grief of waste pickers. In order to provide dignity and livelihood security, Waste Management, a ABHIYAN was Started in February 2012. This ABHIYAN has taken up the task of making Muzaffarpur garbage free. It has stated a cleanliness movement……
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Vision: A society, where information and knowledge facilitates participation of all stakeholders for generation of wealth, and, its equitable distribution for poverty alleviation, improving well-being and building peace.Mission: To promote fusion of social and technology innovations for building replicable and scalable social development models that contribute towards poverty alleviation, improving well-being and building peace.Core Principles:‘OPEN ACCESS’ Principles-• OPENNESS as founding principle and distinguishes it from ‘free’• ACCOUNTABILITY to citizens in general and to the communities of interface in particular…..
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In developing South Asia, Bhutan is often seen as an anomaly: as a country that measures success in terms of Gross National Happiness, it is often overlooked by NGOs. Yet poor educational attainment, access to resources and a lack of opportunity are still very real issues here. Bhutan has one of the lowest literacy rates in Asia – 41% of adults can’t read – and before READ established its first community library and resource center there, Bhutan had only one public lending library in the entire country.1 With two thirds of the population living in rural areas with rugged terrain and a poor infrastructure, access to resources and information is very limited……
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Mobile…the buzz word of the era! It has changed the entire communication scenario of the world. The ever increasing household connectivity gave birth to our innovative project of Local SMS Community Newsletter. We at SMSONE are striving to make SMS as a thread to integrate, interconnect local communities, affectionately and make the society more vibrant, more updated and more knowledgeable. Through this idea, we are also successful in providing self-employment opportunities & social prestige to hundreds of school-college ……
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Development Institute for Scientific Research, Health & Agriculture (DISHA) believes that it is education in ICT, environment, agriculture and health to the poor children and youth living in the developing countries that can bridge the digital divide.The demand for highly skilled people is increasing and this has given rise to the need for creating a pool of skilled workforce in the developing world DISHA aims at training the vast manpower available in developing countries to take advantage of the technological growth…….
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Orissa and this year the program aims at recognizing the youth population of India belong to one blood and to utilize it to fighting back the social evils, factionalism, bigotry, dogmatic social taboos & superstitions with sense of nationalism, scientific mind, up-holding our cultural heritage and enriched tradition through performing art of various part of the country. This camp will be of radical nature to provide a unique platform for cultural interaction, creative cooperation and intellectul.

Nav Jagriti Yuva Mandal is a rural youth development social organization. It has been registered under society registration Act 21, of 1860. A voluntary organization, NAV JAGRITI YUVA MANDAL began its activities in birni block, Giridih district and since 2005. Since its inception, undertaken various program of operations including toward rural development such as spreading of youth concept, education, awareness generation on different issues in Village, organization building among the rural poor promotion of income generation activities among youth and women’s in particular, introducing sustainable agricultural development program……..
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We are a Non profit making Jan Nirman Kendra organization working for welfare of the society. From its inception, the organization had been in the field of education through its several educational programmes/activities. Since, the society believes strongly that it is through education that the details and other weaker sections can come to grips with their own rights and claim it legitimately. We have been successful in our efforts to awake the people aware of their rights. he organization in the field of health through its several health……
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