Nearly 300 employees of Axis Bank across India are part of an employee payroll giving programme which allows them to contribute towards ensuring child rights.
Ad Impact Media Pvt Ltd. has partnered CRY to create awareness about child rights. Ad impact will display the CRY films across its entire network of LCD screens gratis, thereby saving CRY precious resources. These screens are installed in the ground floor elevator lobbies in some of Mumbai's most prestigious commercial buildings.
CRY in partnership with Ace Jewels, Mumbai presented you with a unique way to support this initiative. The pendant and earring set has been inspired by the Free A Chakri, design. For every peice sold, part-proceeds were contributed to the movement of Child Rights. The earrings and pendant have been made with 18 carat white and yellow gold, with a diamond in the center. The pendant was priced at Rs. 2200 and the earrings for Rs. 3600. By supporting this you enabled us to restore basic rights to thousands of underprivileged children.
Ad Impact Media Pvt Ltd. has partnered CRY to create awareness about child rights. Ad impact will display the CRY films across its entire network of LCD screens gratis, thereby saving CRY precious resources. These screens are installed in the ground floor elevator lobbies in some of Mumbai's most prestigious commercial buildings.

On the occasion of their wedding, Ameet and Natalie, not only contributed to CRY but also gave out customised CRY cards thanking their guests and urging them to continue supporting children's rights in any way they could.
Mr. Ashish Sheth has been a staunch CRY supporter since 1994. He donates annually towards the education and healthcare of children. While we were looking for storage space, Mr.Sheth willingly offered space in his godown at Cotton Green, Mumbai. He expressed a keen desire to help CRY in any way he could. Subsequently, Mr.Sheth helped CRY's Material Bank with educational material such as notebooks, pencils and puzzles. Recently, he helped by donating cabinets for the office. All these donations are in addition to his continuous support to CRY's projects.
Adobe Systems has given us license copies of it's suite of products worth Rs.80,000 for our Design division.
Apple Computers donated a Macintosh Computer, our first Mac, for CRY's Design division in the early 1990's.
A Nikon camera valued at Rs.10,000 from Deputy Director, American Centre, Mumbai was donated to CRY.
Alliance Capital donated their conference table to us when they were renovating, which today sits in the centre of our training room in CRY Mumbai.
Former ANZ Grindlays Bank now known as Standard Chartered Bank waived their bank charges on our out station cheques, drafts, etc. as their contribution.
Air India supports us by giving free air tickets for CRY personnel to travel abroad for work when the need arises.
Asian Age, Bangalore provided CRY free print space for an advertisement on November 14, 2002 - Children's Day.
Accord Advertising Pvt. Ltd, Kolkata provided CRY space at no rentals and painting charges on 3 trams as well as hoardings to create awareness on the situation of children and CRY events for 2 consecutive years. And they will continue to partner us.
Alpha Bangla, aired CRY films on their respective channels at no cost.
ATN World aired CRY films on their respective channels at no cost.
Mr. Ashvinder Singh of UniStyle Image in Delhi who is an enthusiastic CRY supporter started a cause-related marketing scheme with all his dealers and at his shop, Cottons at G.K.Market. Every time a person purchased an item at UniStyle Image and added an optional Rs.5 to his bill, UniStyle matched the contribution. To advertise this scheme, at his own expense, he put up vinyl posters of this partnership at his shop and at the dealers' shops.
'Out of sadness comes good' - this statement sums up the generous contribution to CRY made by late Mr.A.V. Mody, who expired on January 29, 1999. His contribution will ensure that many more underprivileged children will receive their basic rights.
Tie-up with a Bi-lingual (English & Bangla), Bi-Monthly e-magazine called "Akansha". Akansha will be carrying out bi-monthly articles on CRY and the initiatives supported by CRY.
Angan Publications Ltd: The New Zealand publishing company provided free advertising space to relay CRY's message to thousands of Indians living in New Zealand and Australia, through its flagship publication: The Global Indian ( The Global Indian is a monthly e-zine published from Auckland and read throughout Australasia (New Zealand and Australia).
Anchor partnered CRY and made a contribution linked to the sale of Anchor Woods wiring accessories. The initiative was on from 1st May 2005 until 31st March 2006.

Blue Cross Laboratories partnered CRY in a marketing initiative on its products TusQ and KolQ where a percentage of proceeds from sales in India and
Nepal, over a 3 month period, were donated to CRY.
B Braun matched the contribution made to CRY by its employees through the Payroll Giving programme in 2006
Bril, a stationery company is partnering with CRY - 1% of the sales of their new range of products, during April to June 2006, will go towards CRY supported programs.
On the occasion of Women's Day on March 8th, Baccarose organized a promotion of their 'Chambor' range of cosmetics in Mumbai. Baccarose tied up with CRY and saluted women who are the support and motivation and the backbone of their families helping children become strong and confident individuals. CRY material was on display at the promotion and Baccarose also contributed towards ensuring the rights of 10 children.
BLUEDART for more than a decade (since 1990) provides us with 1 kg free delivery across CRY offices. Infact, in CRY offices Bluedart is generic to courier. This is a committed partner to the cause of children. The money we save on this service enables us to reach out to thousands of more children. Thank You Blue Dart.
The BMC school at Worli Mumbai provided space for storage for CRY's Material Bank.
The Director, British Council Division, New Delhi permitted the use of their beautiful auditorium and forecourt to hold our annual Corporate Quiz competitions for 3 years.
British High Commission donated Computers, Printers and Electronic Typewriters to our Delhi office.
BPL donated a TV and VCR for CRY use at our Bangalore office.
Bank of Maharashtra, besides donating to our Mumbai office a typewriter (our first!), they also waived their bank charges on our out station cheques, drafts!
BNP Paribas Bank waived off their bank charges plus provided courier service for cheque collection and allowed us routine banking operations by e-mail.
British Airways supports us by giving free air tickets for CRY personnel to travel abroad for work.
B4U aired CRY films on its channel at no cost thus saving us precious resources to reach out to many more children. partnered CRY over the last 2 years and continues their support in areas like placing CRY banners; putting a special CRY page on their site to create awareness; covering CRY stories on issues, the child development initiatives it supports; and CRY's events.
Bangla Ekhon, aired CRY films on its channel at no cost thus saving us precious resources to reach out to many more children.
British High Commission, donated a Mahindra Armada jeep to our CRY Delhi for its day-to-day work, deliveries.
Blue Cross Laboratories Limited contributed part proceeds on the sale of TusQ D Cough Syrup and TUSQ X Expectorant, in India and Nepal, between June 2003 and February 2004. In the first 3 months of this partnership, CRY received Rs. 170,000/-.
To coincide with the festive season, CRY launched the "Dial-A-Smile" campaign in association with BPL Mobile. Starting 1 Dec 2002, upto Jan 1 2003, BPL Mobile subscribers were asked to bring cheer to an underprivileged child's life by simply SMSing CRY to the number 279 (the numbers 2, 7, 9 correspond to C, R, Y on the mobile phone). Each time an SMS was sent, Rs.10/- was contributed to CRY. The campaign ran in the circles of Mumbai, Maharashtra, Kerala and Goa, and all funds generated through this partnership were used to fund child development initiatives focussed on education.
Bangalore Central, a mall in Bangalore, raised Rs. 75,000 for CRY by setting aside one rupee from every bill generated in July and August 2004.
Dr. Bani Gupta, an ardent supporter of CRY's work during her lifetime, continues to support us after her death, with her generous legacy. Her support will give more children the chance to a childhood.
Jonathan Jacob, Head of Training, Bharti Tele, Bangalore, raises funds for CRY, even as he teaches employees to be punctual. All the conference rooms have CRY donation boxes, and every latecomer has to make a contribution.

CSS-Slash employees have been some of the most enthusiastic supporters of CRY. They have been involved in an employee Payroll Giving programme. The consistently high contributions have encouraged the company to increase their commitment towards child rights by funding a CRY-supported project.
The Payroll Giving campaign at Capmark, Hyderabad has over 250 employees partnering CRY to ensure children a brighter, more just world.
Cisco Systems recently held a 'charity week' celebration in their offices across the world. The employees of Cisco in Mumbai conducted a fun and learning session for the children of the Sunday program at CRY. Since, CRY was not on the Cisco USA list of charities, the enthusiastic employees of the Mumbai office got together and generously contributed a sum of Rs. 20,500 to CRY.
Coca Cola donated to CRY Delhi office their old newspapers which were sold and money taken as a donation towards CRY initiatives and one-side used paper which was made into writing pads.
Since 1993, Chamundi Sugars supplies our Bangalore office with 4 kgs of sugar every month. supports CRY by displaying CRY banners; provides coverage on CRY in their editorial section free of cost.
Cross-Tab, an independent market research agency and a leading private sector bank in India jointly conducted an online survey. On every successfully completed survey, as a token of appreciation, the bank donated Rs. 101 on behalf of the participant to CRY.
S.Chand gave Re. 1 from the sale of every copy of select titles they publish. A TV appeal was made with noted lyricist and film personality Mr. Javed Aktar. CRY received Rs. 10 lakhs from this association.
Citibank - an ardent CRY partner has always found unique ways to raise crucial resources for children either through sponsorships or this long-term partnership. Citbank's most consistent programme with CRY has been the Citibank CRY Affinity Credit Card . Every time a person subscribes to the card or spends on it, Citibank, automatically donates a percentage of the transaction to CRY. This partnership has been supporting project Kislay which works with children in a slum in Delhi. The credit card provides customers the opportunity and satisfaction of being able to make a difference to the lives of underprivileged children by simply using their cards. Just SMS "2484 CRY Citibank Card" to subscribe to a CRY Citibank Card today .
The relationship has now been extended through the Citi Junior Account programme where select Citibank customers can open an account in their child's name and contribute part of the proceeds to CRY.
Corporation Bank has been a firm supporter of CRY. For every new account opened between Feb 1, 2004 and Apr 12, 2004, anywhere in India, the bank contributed Rs.5 towards CRY-supported initiatives. partnered CRY over the last 2 years and continues their support in areas like placing CRY banners; putting a special CRY page on their site to create awareness; covering CRY stories on issues, the child development initiatives it supports; and CRY's events.
Cadence Design Systems had developed an organisation wide culture to contribute towards the cause of children. They have a voluntary platform named - 'Make a Child Smile' for such activities. While employees contribute their voluntary services, the organisation provides finances for programmes like the CRY Cadence School Quiz and the CRY Cadence Corporate Cricket Challenge where the Cadence employees along with CRY generated Rs. 4.8 lakhs. Cadence also supports the education component of a CRY-supported project Mens' Institute of Development Training in Ghaziabad. They also contributed Rs. 12.56 lakhs to CRY, as part of its Stars and Strikes campaign. Each year, Cadence's head office in the US matches the maximum resources raised for charity from amongst its various units worldwide. This is the second consecutive year Cadence India has been singled out.
Crompton Greaves Ltd. (Western region) donated 20 ceiling fans and 5 wall-mount fans at material cost for use by CRY Mumbai office.

The slum wing of the Delhi Development Authority, provides CRY rent-free use of one floor of the Community Facility Complex at Kotla Mubarakpur, New Delhi.
DSP Merrill Lynch donated 4 Apple Macintosh computers to CRY Mumbai office in 1996-97.
Dot Name Communications provided us our email solution across CRY at discounted prices. For the renovation of the CRY Mumbai office, we received 70 ltrs of paint from Mr. Deepak Gupta, M.D, Corob India Pvt. Ltd.
Danisa, Denmark donated a TATA Sumo jeep.
D-Link(India)Limited is our committed partner and supporter especially on CRY's IT requirements. They have over the years donated more than 4 lakhs of network switches, connectors and cables, adapters, access points etc across CRY offices.

Elsie O'Brien, a CRY supporter from Australia, volunteered her time and skills with Navshrishti, a CRY-partnered project in Delhi. However, due to a language problem i.e. not knowing the local language " Hindi, she could not continue her work with them. This did not in anyway hinder her enthusiasm and enduring support to CRY. On return to Australia, Elsie went back to the school - St Mary's School, Warwick " of which she was a student earlier and made a presentation on CRY, its work on child rights and her short experience with Navshrishti. The audience included the students, their parents, teachers and the principal. Post the presentation, the children we so excited that they too wanted to do something. The students of Class 3 & 4 wrote letters, made drawing and sent it to the children at Navshrishti. Besides the school also contributed AU$500 to CRY. Elsie plans to be return to India shortly and volunteer with Navshrishti with a difference. She's learning to speak, read in Hindi to enable her interact with the children.

eClerx, a firm specializing in Research and Data Analysis, contributed towards CRY-supported projects Rachana (Pune) and Diksha (Kolkata). Employees from their Mumbai offices also pitched in and raised an additional amount for CRY. eClerx renewed its support to CRY in 2006 by funding several CRY initiatives across the country. Besides, eClerx employees also ran in support of Child Rights under the Corporate Challenge category in the Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon '07.
"Khoj - ek bachpan ki" an awareness campaign on children's issues was organized atE2E SerWizSol, Pune between 26th - 29th April 05. The idea was to understand and know more about child rights through word puzzles, writing slogans, and games. More than 200 employees participated, spreading the message of Child Rights.
A 165 ltr. refrigerator was donated to CRY Delhi by Ms Electrolux and Indian Airlines Wives Association.
Elder Pharmaceuticals Limited have entered into a partnership agreement with CRY on their product Shelcal Superkids, a calcium supplement for growing children fortified with Vitamin D3 and minerals. During the period September 25th, 2003 to September 24th, 2004, Elder will contribute 1% of the NRV - Net Realisable Value - to CRY, with a minimum commitment of Rs. 1 lakh.
Epson contributed part of the proceeds to CRY for every dot matrix printer sold in August 2004.
A 165 ltr. refrigerator was donated to CRY Delhi by Ms Electrolux and Indian Airlines Wives Association.
Elder Pharmaceuticals Limited have entered into a partnership agreement with CRY on their product Shelcal Superkids, a calcium supplement for growing children fortified with Vitamin D3 and minerals. During the period September 25th, 2003 to September 24th, 2004, Elder will contribute 1% of the NRV - Net Realisable Value - to CRY, with a minimum commitment of Rs. 1 lakh.
Epson contributed part of the proceeds to CRY for every dot matrix printer sold in August 2004.

Ms First Flight provided CRY with free courier service for one year.
FCG Software has initiated Pay Roll Giving Schemes. Employees authorise deduction of a fixed amount every month from their salary, as a contribution to CRY. The company matches the donation. Over 50 employees of FCG Software have thus joined the CRY family.
Faranak Gandhi a young housewife with corporate work experience help Resource Generation and Documentation Centre regularly with routine time-consuming tasks.
Friends of CRY, Kolkata came together on November 22, 2004 to celebrate Children's Day with a difference. This group comprised young adults from different schools and colleges, housewives and executives. Each from diverse backgrounds, belonging to various age groups with one common factor - their love for children and the faith that in their own little way they can brighten up the lives of the less fortunate 'little ones'. For Children's Day 2004, they did the unusual and that too in the CRY Kolkata office premise. "Paint for change" was the theme adopted for one of CRY's office wall. With the first strokes coming from eminent cartoonist Mr.Chandi Lahiri & Ms. Moubani Sarkar ( daughter of the famous magician Mr. P.C Sarkar) and along with the children of Nabadisha, a CRY-supported initiative, the wall was transformed into a riot of colour.


GAIL - Gas Authority of India Limited (Mumbai), for the first time, has ventured in the area of corporate social responsibility. As part of its initiative, they are partnering CRY's project Salah, Mumbai that is working on the issue of child labour in the unorganized sectors. GAIL hopes that its contribution of Rs. 9.80 lakhs, will enable Salah and the CRY team to bring about permanent change to the lives of these children by ensuring them their basic rights.
Godrej and Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd, our long-term partner donated our first fax machine and provided CRY Mumbai with rent-free space of 3000 sq ft at Lalbaug for storage.
Global Telesystems Ltd. Installed a new fax machine free of cost.
Group Development, the social wing of Air France, has contributed Rs. 10.05 lacs to cover the running costs of 7 centers of Nabadisha, Kolkata.
Glenmark Pharmaceuticals tied up with CRY for a promotion where they sent 52,000 cards to doctors. For every card that the Doctors pledged their support on, Glenmark committed to donate Re.1 to CRY.
Gaurang Damani, a young Mumbai businessman, wanted to make a difference to underprivileged children. He began his stint as CRY volunteer by telecalling donors to renew their support. Along the way he learnt that the drop-out rates in Municipal schools is very high, especially for children in the fourth standard. He took on the challenge of trying to reduce this. Gaurang persuaded Municipal schools to let him start support classes for weaker students, and soon had a team of volunteers regularly conducting these classes. The Dharavi center alone has 100 children who regularly attend these classes - it has made all the difference to their staying in school instead of dropping out. The classes are funded by a Sion-Matunga based NGO, "Sunday Friends", of which Gaurang is a very active member.
Geologistics contributed Rs 13,01,550 towards Sankalp Manav Vikas Sansthan, a CRY-supported initiative in Marathwada, Maharashtra.
The volunteer action programme at the Government Law College (GLC), Mumbai is run by their Legal Aid Committee, which is essentially a student body established as per the academic requirements. These students in association with CRY have been working with children residing in the vicinity of the Azad Maidan area of Mumbai by assisting them in the process of learning.
The programme aims at providing the children an opportunity to learn and the students are also making an effort to save these children from the hazardous habits of smoking, chewing tobacco etc. as well as protecting them from trouble from the police. The programme is conducted every Sunday between 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. at the Government Law College premises. The students are making an effort to institutionalize the entire programme as a permanent activity of the Legal Aid Committee of the College.
Ten employees of GE Plastics visited the CRY Mumbai training center, during their volunteering week, for an interactive session with children from a CRY supported project. The volunteering will continue, one Sunday every month.
The Global Charitable Trust (, Botswana has been a long time CRY supporter. They are organising a fundraiser, 'Festival of India' in June 2007 where part proceeds from the event will go towards CRY supported programs.

HDFC extended its support to CRY this year by partially funding two CRY-supported initiatives - Avehi in Mumbai and Centre for Social Development in Manipur.
"Make Your Dreams Come True" is a festive promotion initiative by HDFC Bank. The bank is also committed to making dreams come true for children. From October 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004 HDFC Bank will offer its customers the opportunity to make a direct contribution to CRY and HDFC Bank will further contribute a certain percentage of all direct customer donations towards Child Development Initiatives supported by CRY. This promotion will be targeted at over 3 million Debit / Credit Card Customers of HDFC Bank as well as other customers who wish to avail of HDFC Bank services and products.
CRY and HDFC Bank (Managed Portfolio) have joined hands in 2007 wherein the company will donate to CRY, on the occasion of the client's birthday. An amount equivalent to a gift that their high net worth client receives will be contributed to CRY on his behalf and also encourage him to support the movement for Child Rights.
CRY received its first two computers in donation from HCL.
Hewlett Packard donated to us, our first laser printer.
Mr. Hubert Anthony Saldanha donated his Bajaj Chetak Scooter in 1994 (in good condition) valued at Rs.12,000 when he was moving to Australia for CRY's day-to day deliveries.
People like Hemanth make it easier for us to believe that a lot can be done for underprivileged children within the context of our everyday lives. Hemanth works for CBSI, a software company at Chennai. In 2000, he was solely responsible for selling as many as one lakh worth of cards to colleagues within his organisation. He did this by circulating an appeal on the in-house, intranet system and putting up a CRY stall at the office canteen.
The Himalaya Drug Company partnered CRY in a cause-related marketing tie-up. Starting Nov 14, 2003, every sale of PureHands, a herbal hand sanitizer, adds a rupee to the CRY resource kitty.
Helping Hands Association, France, raised 510 euros from their first International Book sale. The funds will go directly to Prayas, a Jaipur-based NGO that rehabilitates, educates and mainstreams mentally challenged children.
TV channel Hungama has been airing CRYbuddies films on their channel, free, helping create awareness about CRY, its activities and the many simple things each one of us can do to make a difference to underprivileged children.
I supported CRY's campaign in March 2009 by placing banners at no cost on their website.
The Indian Association, Papua New Guniea organized a fund-raiser during their Diwali function wherein the members donated generously towards CRY supported initiatives.

When CRY Mumbai was getting a renovation after almost a decade, ICICI too was getting a new look. They donated their furniture - cubicles with tables to us.
ICICI Prulife donated Rs. 2 to CRY for every Diwali card they sent. At 53,000 cards, this raised funds for more than 100 children to get an education and healthcare.
Students of IIT Powai, Mumbai formed a club called "We Care for CRY" and raised funds for one of the CRY-supported project. They also created awareness in their campus on the issue of child labour in the fire cracker industry and motivated all the hostelites to celebrate Diwali with diyas only.
iDream Productions donated to CRY 2 % of the net theatrical revenues generated in India from the screening of their film J2M2, over a period of a year.
Ideas-RS is a Mumbai based consultancy that conducts training programmes on creativity and problem solving (Creative Block Busting) for professionals. During these programmes, the participants spend the day analysing, ideating on and discussing a business problem to arrive at several effective solutions. In October 2003, CRY was the beneficiary of one of these programmes. Twelve qualified professionals deliberated on issues faced by CRY in resource mobilisation, and suggested long term solutions.
Students of IIT Powai, Mumbai formed a club called "We Care for CRY" and raised funds for one of the CRY-supported project. They also created awareness in their campus on the issue of child labour in the fire cracker industry and motivated all the hostelites to celebrate Diwali with diyas only.
iDream Productions donated to CRY 2 % of the net theatrical revenues generated in India from the screening of their film J2M2, over a period of a year.
Ideas-RS is a Mumbai based consultancy that conducts training programmes on creativity and problem solving (Creative Block Busting) for professionals. During these programmes, the participants spend the day analysing, ideating on and discussing a business problem to arrive at several effective solutions. In October 2003, CRY was the beneficiary of one of these programmes. Twelve qualified professionals deliberated on issues faced by CRY in resource mobilisation, and suggested long term solutions.
TV channel India TV has been airing CRY films on their channel, free, helping create awareness about CRY, its activities and the many simple things each one of us can do to make a difference to underprivileged children.


JET Airways continues to support CRY year after year by giving us air tickets free of cost as well as at discounted rates. Besides this they also conducted a painting competition for children of a CRY-supported project in Mumabi on the theme of 'Joy of Flying'. CRY made cards of 4 award-wining paintings for Jet Airways.
Mr. J.D. D'Souza cared enough to leave Rs. 8 lakhs - his life's saving for underprivileged Indian children in his will.
J.J Hosptal Nursing Association allows us the use of their premises at Aksa, Mumbai for our workshops and meetings at a nominal cost.

On July 12, 2004,Johnson & Johnson Limited launched a 5-day Employee Payroll Giving Programme at their offices in Mumbai, Delhi, Aurangabad, Kolkata and Chennai. NGOs, including CRY, were invited to make presentations to employees. J&J employees then selected CRY as one of the NGOs they would support, with a contribution of Rs.8,000 each month.

All of us dream of a changed world for children in India; carefree smiles that can brighten the world. Creating an avenue to bring about this change is Kimberly-Clark Professional. Kimberly-Clark Professional, one of the leading Hygiene Solution providers in the country, has launched a campaign called "Share a Smile" in association with CRY. Under this campaign Kimberly Clark Professional has decided to contribute to CRY Rs 3/- per carton they sell for a year starting April 05. This contribution will go towards CRY's work of ensuring rights of underprivileged Indian children.
Dr. Kale and his friend Kiran trekked for CRY. They reached the Mount Everest Base Camp starting Oct 25th, 2006. Says Dr. Kale (better known as Bala) "The issues that constrain children are always close to our hearts. We always keep thinking there needs to be a prudent approach to find sustainable and long lasting solutions to these horrible problems rather than sympathising with these children and providing just a short-term relief. We thought CRY would be the most appropriate 'Enabler' in view of the fact that it adopts the 'child rights approach' to tackle the root causes. Also, it is an organisation of a very good repute and has a national reach."
Dr. Kale and Kiran are childhood friends and both are Insurance Medicine professionals. They have always nurtured an idea of doing something a bit bigger than scaling the tiny hills of India's Western Ghats and UAE's Hajar Mountains. It was always on their minds to put their trekking hobby to some meaningful use. A quick mini research revealed that they could begin with Mt Everest Base Camp (5400 m) as the first BIG project.
CRY team thanks them for supporting the cause of children’s rights.


Dr. Liza Rajshekhar asked guests at her daughter Ihita's first birthday to contribute to CRY instead of spending on gifts for her daughter.
Lufthansa supports us by giving free air tickets for CRY personnel to travel abroad for work when the need arises.
LG Soft India has initiated a Pay Roll Giving Scheme. Employees authorise deduction of a fixed amount every month from their salary, as a contribution to CRY. The company matches the donation. Over 100 employees of LG Soft have thus joined the CRY family.
London NRIs : A group of 50 NRIs raised over 1000 for CRY, while re-living India's freedom struggle in a walk through Central London on Independence Day. They visited the Temple law courts (where Nehru and Gandhi studied), saw the Indian High Commission building, and learnt of the role of Lord Clive in the battle of Plassey that saw the beginning of the British Raj in India. The walk ended at the monument of Lord Mountbatten, the last British Viceroy of India.
CRY and Lenovo joined hands during the festive season in 2006, wherein for each laptop sold during a 3 week period, and registered, Lenovo donated Rs 501/- to CRY

McAfee Inc. has extended its support to Pragathi (a CRY-supported program) for the third year running. Employees of McAfee India make monthly contributions from their paychecks, while the management matches the amount, as well as makes good any shortfall towards meeting Pragathi's budget.
CRY has been chosen as the "Community Partner" for The Marriott Group of Hotelsfor 2007. Through this partnership, The Marriott will work together with CRY to spread awareness on child rights as well raise funds for CRY supported initiatives. The various initiatives by The Marriott will help CRY reach out to a global audience and ensure that many more people join the movement for Child Rights!
MSN India ran the Anti-Child Labour Day campaign to coincide with 30, April 2005 by creating a special site on CRY and child rights, posting banners on their site and also developing a 'blog' space for visitors to share their views and comments on child rights.
During CRY's Child Rights (Election) Campaign, for the entire month of April 2004,MSN India gave CRY banner space on their various services - MSN India, Hotmail and MSN Messenger. They also supported CRY with a campaign article in the features section.
CRY got a resounding response from the employees at the 'Giving Campaign' in 2006 in Microsoft (Hyderabad) with 135 of them partnering CRY and the company matching the contribution.
Modiluft supported us by giving free air tickets for CRY personnel to travel for work.
Midday provided free print space for CRY events in Mumbai.
Mahindra & Mahindra donated a second hand Armada jeep ,worth Rs 65,000 to CRY Mumbai for its daily work.
Lt. Manish Joshi and Uma printed their wedding invites on CRY cards and appealed to the guests to help the underprivileged children on this occasion. A CRY donation coupon was attached to the invitation cards. This according to the couple would be the best gift they could receive. have earmarked their 8558 number for CRY events and promotions for a year. For every SMS sent to 8558, CRY will get a percentage of the value of the SMS. This is the first time we are using the SMS platform.
Medley Pharmaceuticals has entered into a partnership agreement, for associating through a Cause Related Marketing scheme on their product O2. They will contribute to CRY a sum of Rs.1,00,000 for a period of one year starting from December 2003
MINC Services lets CRY donors use its BillBoxEtc drop boxes at 38 railway stations across Mumbai to send in their donations. CRY benefits in 2 ways - the service is free and we do not pay the Business Reply Envelope costs on all such donations. have earmarked their 8558 number for CRY events and promotions for a year. For every SMS sent to 8558, CRY will get a percentage of the value of the SMS. This is the first time we are using the SMS platform.
Medley Pharmaceuticals has entered into a partnership agreement, for associating through a Cause Related Marketing scheme on their product O2. They will contribute to CRY a sum of Rs.1,00,000 for a period of one year starting from December 2003
MINC Services lets CRY donors use its BillBoxEtc drop boxes at 38 railway stations across Mumbai to send in their donations. CRY benefits in 2 ways - the service is free and we do not pay the Business Reply Envelope costs on all such donations.
N has given CRY free banner space on their site since August 2006
Received storage space in NASEOH premises at Chembur, Mumbai for a year.
NTPC donated to CRY Delhi office their old newspapers which were sold and money taken as a donation towards CRY initiatives and one-side used paper which was made into writing pads.
The New Indian Express Group, Bangalore provided CRY with free print space for one of our activities
After realising the situation of underprivileged children in India, the students of theNational Public School, Rajajinagar, Bangalore, were very keen to include CRY in their science exhibition. CRY was given a stall at the venue. Students painted cards and sold items that they had brought from home to raise money. Thanks to a lot of support from parents, teachers and the children who were not shy at all about insistent selling! At the end of the day, total sales amounted to approximately Rs.14,000/- .
Nokia donated a percentage for every Nokia 5110 phone sold for 3 months to assist the work of CRY in India. Nokia is committed to enhancing the quality of people's lives in India not just through innovative products and solutions but also through enriching and improving people's lives in meaningful ways. partnered CRY over the last 2 years and continues their support in areas like placing CRY banners; putting a special CRY page on their site to create awareness; covering CRY stories on issues, the child development initiatives it supports; and CRY's events.
Nicholas Piramal India Limited entered into apartnership with CRY wherein for every prescription on any brand under "Actis4 Kids" (Tixylix, Phenergan, EzeePara, Omnatax-O dry syrup, Kidpred and Trustyl), for the period October to November 2004, a certain amount will be contributed to CRY.
TV channel NDTV has been airing CRY films on their channel, free, helping create awareness about CRY, its activities and the many simple things each one of us can do to make a difference to underprivileged children.
Nehal Singhal, a CRY volunteer in Mumbai, wanted to get the ladies in her housing society, Takshila, to work for children. They formed an action group and started teaching English, Marathi and Maths to the children of the maids, drivers and security guards of their housing society. They also conducted a dental hygeine workshop. The children are now regulars at their study groups and are keen to pursue their education.

Pharma company, Organon India Ltd, has extended its cause related marketing initiative for partnership with CRY, for the year 2005-06.

Philips renewed its commitment to CRY by continuing the Pay Roll Giving programme in the year 2007. 110 employees of the company participated in this programme.
Computer wiz Prashant, studying for his C.A and is now using his pet hobby to win more well-wishers for the cause of underprivileged Indian children. He is working on a chain letter to be sent via the net to fellow netizens. The letter will essentially be an appeal for participation in CRY's work for underprivileged children. Prashant will also request his friends to mail his message to 10 other people they know, thereby keeping the chain of goodwill in the cyberworld!
TV channel Pogo aired CRYbuddies films on their channel, free, helping create awareness about CRY, its activities and the many simple things each one of us can do to make a difference.
While addressing the health care of privileged children and pregnant women through the protein supplement Protinex, Pfizer thought that it should include underprivileged children as well. In view of this they decided to give a certain amount per tin of Protinex sold in Feb 1999 - Jan 2000. The proceeds from this went towards the health component of CRY-supported initiatives. Encouraged by the success of the scheme, Pfizer is continuing its relationship with CRY. For every tin of Protinex sold this year, Pfizer will give CRY Rs.1. The minimum amount committed to is Rs. 10 lakhs.
The employees of Prudential Process Management came forward to show their support towards the victims of the Tsunami disaster. Each of them contributed a part of their salary, raising Rs 4.45 lakhs towards CRY's Tsunami Rehabilitation efforts.
Padmini Products will contribute part of the proceeds to CRY for every pack of 3-in-1 agarbattis sold over 3 months starting August 2004.

CHEERS, a CRY-supported initiative in Tamil Nadu has been supported by Radha Realtors so more children can be restored their rights to a happy childhood
Safed, a detergents manufacturer, are sponsoring a quiz on children's issues on RED FM from June 2006 onwards. Listeners have to SMS answers for a chance to win a contribution to CRY on their behalf. Approximately 20 questions will be asked in a month to raise awareness of children's rights as well as funds for CRY.
A partnership: CRY presents 3 unique t-shirts manufactured by Switcher and available online only through For every T-shirt purchased, Rs.25 will be donated to CRY. And this is the story of these t-shirts. 'Imagine giving up your Sunday morning sleep to spend time with children in the vicinity of CRY's Mumbai office. A group of CRY volunteers do just this every Sunday morning. They spend a couple of hours with children aged between 6 to 16 years, teaching them to read, write, sing, dance, draw, play games, have fun. In short, they enable these children experience their right to a childhood. Children like Nitesh, Yogesh and Devashree whose designs are displayed on this page, go to work at tea stalls, small restaurants, some take care of siblings and even do all household chores. The designs were developed during an art session conducted by Indronil, a CRY volunteer. These are not just beautiful t-shirts but in reality is an expression of childhood.' You can buy these t-shirts on the page
Mr. Rajendra Chappwale one our very first supporters, donated space to the CRY Mumbai for storage purpose.
CRY Delhi received its first office table from Mr. R.D.Gupta in donation.
Members of CRY Ants, the volunteer group in Chennai, meet with the children of R.T. Nagar Corporation School every Saturday. They hold learning sessions for the students that incorporate games and fun as well. Typical sessions are 'First Aid Essentials' and 'Towards an Eco-Friendly Environment' and include field visits, camps and personality development programmes. For the children, who come from nearby slums, these sessions and interaction with the volunteers open up a whole new world. These will, the CRY Ants hope, inspire these children to explore new horizons beyond the boundaries of their current lives.
Mr.Ramesh Khymal, Managing Director of Asian Wind Turbine in Chennai directly funds the administration costs of Navjeevan Trust, a CRY-supported project working with the beedi rolling community at Tirunalveli in Tamil Nadu. Recently he made a personal trip to Tirunalveli, to experience first-hand, the work being done there. Not stopping at monetary sponsorship alone, he is keen on involving all his employees in the cause of children. Last year, he enabled CRY to make three presentations to the employees of his organisation. Mr.Khymal has also given his employees the opportunity to dedicate four office hours a week for voluntary work at CRY-supported projects.
Rasna Private Limited - Rasna introduced a "Rasna Day for CRY" campaign in schools across India. On this day, Rasna satchets were sold for Re. 1, and the proceeds were donated CRY. Rs. 5 lakhs was collected.

Symantec Corporation, Pune helped CRY save IT costs with discounts on its products.

Sandvik Asia donated 16 computers for CRY supported initiatives across Andhra Pradesh.
Students of The Sagar School, in Alwar, Rajasthan collected their pocket money with the intention of contributing towards children's causes. Seeing their enthusiasm, Mr. K.J.Jose, the Offg Principal of the school, wrote to CRY on their behalf.
Anisha, Surabhi & Pragya, 8th standard students of Mother's International School, Delhi, contributed their Christmas & New Year allowance to CRY rather than spending it on gifts for themselves.
Sanjay Jha, a student with the Asian Institute of Management, Phillipines organized a photo exhibition as a fund-raiser for CRY. Besides, he also approached corporates to generate awareness about CRY.
Sharda Exports, a Meerut based manufacturer and exporter of handtufted and handwoven carpets has been supporting CRY projects in Uttaranchal since 2002. Not only did Mr A Gupta from Sharda Exports contribute to CRY but also encouraged their associates to partner CRY, thus spreading awareness for the rights of children.
Anisha, Surabhi & Pragya, 8th standard students of Mother's International School, Delhi, contributed their Christmas & New Year allowance to CRY rather than spending it on gifts for themselves.
Sanjay Jha, a student with the Asian Institute of Management, Phillipines organized a photo exhibition as a fund-raiser for CRY. Besides, he also approached corporates to generate awareness about CRY.
Sharda Exports, a Meerut based manufacturer and exporter of handtufted and handwoven carpets has been supporting CRY projects in Uttaranchal since 2002. Not only did Mr A Gupta from Sharda Exports contribute to CRY but also encouraged their associates to partner CRY, thus spreading awareness for the rights of children.
E2E SerWiz Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (A Subsidiary of TATA Sons Ltd.) also referred to as SerWizSol supports CRY by providing office space within its premises in Hyderabad and previously in Pune for CRY employees based in these cities. SerWizSol and CRY aim to work together to increase awareness and enable people to take action for child rights.
The Shroff family charitable trust, allowed CRY Mumbai the use of their 1600 sq ft premises at Goregaon.
Outdoor Agencies - Selvel Publicity and Consultants Pvt Ltd. and Sujay Advertising gave CRY free hoarding space during CRY events in Bangalore.
Sahara TV aired CRY films on its channel at no cost thus saving us precious resources to reach out to many more children.
15 year old Sohum Misra developed the site - as a part of his school project which strives to create awareness for some of the NGOs based in Mumbai that support underprivileged children. The site provides general information about each of the NGOs, CRY being one of them, as well as experiences of the people being cared for and of volunteers. Do visit the site to make a difference to the lives of children.
Employees come together: 'Payroll Giving' is an idea with tremendous potential to motivate people whereby employees of a company pledge a percentage of their salary to a cause. This is then automatically deducted from their salary every month. CRY presented this concept to SICOM employees in Mumbai who are now donating an amount they have personally chosen to be deducted from their salary. A consolidated cheque will then be handed over by SICOM. This contribution goes towards a CRY-supported initiative in Mumbai.
Southern Spice Music, Chennai airs CRY films at no cost thus saving us precious resources to reach out to many more children.
Employees come together: 'Payroll Giving' is an idea with tremendous potential to motivate people whereby employees of a company pledge a percentage of their salary to a cause. This is then automatically deducted from their salary every month. CRY presented this concept to SICOM employees in Mumbai who are now donating an amount they have personally chosen to be deducted from their salary. A consolidated cheque will then be handed over by SICOM. This contribution goes towards a CRY-supported initiative in Mumbai.
Southern Spice Music, Chennai airs CRY films at no cost thus saving us precious resources to reach out to many more children.
The Sarovar Park Plaza Group of Hotels - Last year, the Sarovar park Plaza Group had placed CRY envelopes in their hotel rooms, raising funds of Rs 31,000/- and creating awareness about CRY and its activities. This year too, they will do the same, thereby covering approximately 1500 rooms in 18 hotels totaling to across the country. A similar scheme is operational in the Ambassador Group and The Oberoi Group Hotels. SAB TV and CRY have partnered in connection with the programme "Say na something to Anupam Uncle", a show where children in the age group of 4 - 9 years share their thoughts, feelings, dreams, ambitions and fantasies with "Anupam Uncle", i.e., actor Anupam Kher. The popular show is aired twice a week - Monday and Tuesday at 8 p.m., and the response to it, in the form of letters sent in by children, gave birth to the idea of using the show and the letters to generate funds for worthy causes. Every three months, SAB TV will select a partner NGO, highlight its work and donate a rupee to the NGO for every letter received in response to the show. CRY is the first partner NGO selected, for the period November 3rd 2003 to February 3rd 2004. The response has been so positive, that SAB TV has now decided to ask for donations to CRY. A special episode of the show, with host Anupam Kher interacting with children from a CRY-supported initiative, is also planned.
On Children's Day, Nov 14, 2003, retail chain Shopper's Stop introduced CRY co-branded paper bags as an eco-friendly alternative to the black and white plastic bags currently being given to customers at the delivery counter. Available in various sizes, and priced at Rs.15/- each, the bags are decorated with child art from the CRY design bank. They will be offered as an option to customers who do not wish to use plastic bags. CRY will get 20% of the sales of these bags for a period of six months.
As part of their annual Diwali festive promotion Shopper's Stop partnered CRY. Centered around "Spreading Smiles", customers are encouraged to spread smiles by buying a cardboard smiley priced at Rs 5/-. Shoppers Stop intends to sell 5 lakh smileys for CRY in this way.
Schneider Electric has contributed Rs. 13.45 lacs towards Project Sahyog and Project Aanchal in Delhi.

With 25 years of history behind it, Tinkle (a brand owned by ACK-Media) is proud to be associated with CRY - Child Rights and You, which is dedicated towards the cause of millions of children across India. Vicky & Vinny - the 2 child characters which portray the Indian child's view of the world - will now be seen in every Tinkle magazine, with every month bringing out a new child-related issue and a new awareness to the mind of the millions of children and parents who read Tinkle magazine. It is a unique brand with a successful track record in creating enduring proprietary characters and stories. Today Tinkle characters, stories, and games are available in print, online, and animation. is India's first destination site for pre-teens and tweens.
Tata-Libert donated 10 KVA UPS, worth Rs. 3.5 lakhs to CRY.
Tata Chemicals is continuing with its Desh ko Arpan Programme during 2003-04. This programme seeks to raise funds for 6 girl-child focused CRY-supported initiatives, through the simple mechanism of contributing 10 paise from every pack of TATA Salt sold during the period Aug 15, 2003 to September 14, 2003. The programme was launched in Mumbai on August 14, 2003, with a bus-painting activity for girls from Rachana, a CRY-supported initiative in Pune. The girls were asked to paint a picture of who they want to be when they grow up. As a result, the bus was covered with images of teachers, social workers, village sarpanch, police inspectors and fashion designers.
Tata International Limited employees volunteer 4 hours a week from 6pm onwards at CRY Mumbai's Documentation function, in labeling books, tagging them, creating a database of titles etc. This volunteering programme is part of their community initiative. So if you walk into CRY in the evening and see 2 individuals busy at the PC and deep into books, don't be surprised. CRY would like to thank them for this much-needed support.
As part of their centenary celebrations "100 years of Trust", Tata Tea donated part of the proceeds from the sale of 'Chakra Gold Tea' to CRY, over a three-month period since October 2004. The proceeds helped support Sadhana, a CRY initiative in Andhra Pradesh
TARA Bangla aired CRY films on their respective channels at no cost.
The Times of India, a supporter of CRY donated 1% from the proceeds of classified ads on Nov 14 Children's Day 1999. They also donated a percentage of the income from the Times Credit Card.
Times Offspring, an Education supplement of the Times of India, Bangalore adopted the theme of Child Rights for the entire month of November 2004. They tied up with CRY for information on rights, featured CRY's kids site CRY Buddies along with articles on children's issues and published contributions from the students of member schools.
Nehal Singhal, a CRY volunteer in Mumbai, wanted to get the ladies in her housing society, Takshila, to work for children. They formed an action group and started teaching English, Marathi and Maths to the children of the maids, drivers and security guards of their housing society. They also conducted a dental hygeine workshop. The children are now regulars at their study groups and are keen to pursue their education.
T N Ganapathy and Tilakraj Saigal both retired gentlemen are both regulars at the CRY, Mumbai office. They help with Resource Generation and Documentation Centre regularly with tough mundane chores leaving these departments with more time to concentrate on other crucial tasks T N Ganapathy also got his friends to sign up for the pinwheel campaign amongst his "evening walk" & trekking friends. He found it a lovely way of speaking about child rights to the people he has known for years. He also spoke to his ex-colleagues and friends in the neighbourhood where he worked for 38 years and everyone agreed that as long as something good was happening they would encourage such efforts. Ganapathy was happy that he got a chance to spread awareness and change people's attitudes.
Ten Sports aired CRY ads in India, Pakistan, Hong Kong and UAE.

Pariket, Meghana, Nirmala, Avani, Sonal, Murugan and Sapna, CRY volunteers in Mumbai acted in the play 'Pukaar - A Call for Action', a CRY-Ekjute theatre group production. Each day after work, come rain or shine, they would all travel two hours or more to the theatre workshop-cum-rehearsals organized for them by Ekjute. The play was a result of 2 months of effort put in by these volunteers. Besides acting, they also had a part in evolving the script from their own experiences of working with children as CRY Volunteers.

YaHind.Com - NRIs Portal, a portal catering to Indians globally. While making a true attempt to providing various services and information to fellow countrymen through the website, they have joined us in our movement for Child Rights by displaying CRY ads on their website at no cost.
New Delhi YMCA donated furniture to our Delhi office.

Zara Abraham and Anna Chacko aged 11 received Rs. 700/- each from their aunt as a Christmas gift. Their aunt who is a CRY supporter told them about CRY and it's work with underprivileged children. She then asked them what they intended to do with this money. The children thought about it and realising that they had everything they needed decided to keep only Rs.50/- each for themselves and came into the CRY office to give the rest to the deprived children.
Zee Botswana has been airing the CRY ad since November 2004.
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