![]() Page last updated 6/06/2014 Register Your Non-Profit with WeCareToo Enter your search words or phrases and press Search. View by Location: View Alphabetically: | WeCareToo Non-Profit Organizations / IndiaA. Sunilkumar Help Centre - raises funds to help build homes for the poor Aadhaar Foundation - works on long-term projects with communities determined to shape a better future for themselves and campaigns for genuine, lasting change Aanchal - reaches out to adolescent girls most vulnerable to commercial sexual exploitation Aasha Social Welfare Association - working for welfare of tribals, women, farmers and the poor people of Andhrapradesh, India AASHA (Aids Awareness Society & Hygenic Asylum) - working to combat HIV / AIDS and assist in nation building and control terror attacks Aashra Foundation - strives to help children, orphans, the poor and disadvantaged people become all they can be Action for Community Empowerment (ACE) - promoted by a group of young women to educate the poor, empower them socially, educationally and economically for creating a equatable society with gender justice Action for Community Transformation India Foundation Trust - develops promotional strategies in developing the knowledge and skills of the indigenous people in retaining the social, cultural, economical and political characteristics of the tribal communities who lie under oppression, exploitation and humiliation Action for Development of Human and Rural Neglected Areas - ADHARANA - has as its main objective to uplift downtrodden people Action For Education - promotes awareness for science, technology and education ACTIVE - a not for profit development organization, started by a group of social workers in 1987 with livelihood interventions in the remote, interior and poorly endowed tribal hamlets in Khammam, India Adarsha Rural Development Society - ARDS - works to help the rural poor and landless laborers working living below the poverty line Adarsha Women Development Society - AWDS - is committed to the upliftment of the poor and downtrodden through various programs and services ADHAR - helping people to help themselves by cultivating a better life and a just society Adhar For Widows - helps widows find a source of income, educates their children and provides support to live respectful lives Aditya Educational Society for Deaf & Orphans - works to overcome all obstacles and provide service to the poor deaf, dumb and orphan children Advanced Centre for the Study of Philanthropy and Development - ACPD - Indian support service NGO that works mainly with health issues and would like to focus on the care of the elderly Affus Woman Welfare Association (AWWA) - a socio-economic association established with the aim of improving the social, economic and mental condition of the women at the grass root level Agape Christian Mission - serves with an aim to reach the unreached people in South India through its orphanage, church planting and other activities Agappe Educational and Charitable Society - operates orphanages for girls and boys and provides educational counselling and support for the poor and backward in society Agency for Development and Rural Self Help Associations - committed to development service to the disadvantaged and disabled people based in Moodbidri, Karnataka state India AGNI - working to free India from the clutches of social bondage Aids Update @ Ichalkaranji - working to help those suffering from HIV/AIDS in India AIKYA - Centre To Integrate The Different - enhances the quality of life of individuals with special needs through education and training to enable them to achieve their fullest potential and integrate them into the mainstream Ajagar Social Circle - strives to improve the socio- economic status of the under served area in the North Eastern region through increased access to institutional service and financial services for livelihood support in a sustainable manner Akhil Bhartiya Mahila Vikas Mandal - ABMVM - works for the common goal of empowering the women in the Rohtak region of India Akhil Bhartiya Yuva Vikas Sangh - working to develop youth in positive ways Akhila Bharateeya Brahmana Karivena Nityannadana Satram - provides food and shelter to pilgrims in the tradition of choultries in India The Akshaya Patra Foundation - the largest NGO run school meal program in the world that feeds more than a million children everyday AKSHAYA Rehabilitation Trust - envisions a society where persons with disability attain holistic development through social Inclusion, equal opportunity and full participation A. L. B. Zoology - assisting needy students of biology in India by answering their questions All India Parivartan Sewa Samiti - a well organized group of Social workers serving selflessly towards the attainment of overall development of society and the people All India Shah Behram Baug Society - helping humanity and planet earth evolve through good thoughts, good words, good deeds All India Youth Development Association - AIYDA - a youth and community development program that addresses core issues facing low-income communities: housing, education, employment, crime prevention, and leadership development All-Orissa Advasi Sports And Cultural Society - works for the socially and economically poor of society and for the development of women and children All Religions Orphan Children Home - provides services that include an orphanage for senior citizens who have neither children nor property and also an orphanage for children who have no parent Allahbakash Organization - helps people get many types of needed justice in all parts of the world Alpha Social Welfare Service Centre - works among the hopeless and helpless people of society Alternative For Rural Movement - ARM - works for the empowerment & mainstreaming of deprived village people of North Orissa, India Amalarakkini School For The Blind - provides special education, training and help to aid visually challenged persons develop into self-confident, self-reliant and self-determined individuals and thereby release them from a state of dependency Amar Jyoti Bal Vikas Sasthan - provides education and training to poor children and women Amews (Andhra Medical Educational and Welfare Services) - provides health services to the poor and needy and works to eradicate child labor Amma Nanna Charitable Trust (ACT) - serves the neglected, orphans, the very poor or semi orphan poor and other general needy people Amurutha Old Age Home Society - provides a home and care for the elderly Ananda Marga Education And Welfare Society - Hyderabad - provides education, shelter and health care to the poor, orphans and the aged Anbarasi Social Action - takes care of orphaned and abandoned children, providing them with food, clothing, shelter and education Anbumalar Special School for Mentally Retarded - provides a special school for mentally challenged children Anchalika Jana Seva Anusthan - AJSA - works to overcome the root causes of poverty and social injustice for those of the down trodden and under privileged section of the society Andhra Pradesh Destitues Welfare Organization - works for rural people especially children and the poor Anekal Rehabilitation Education And Development Centre - works with the most under privileged women and children in south India in eradicating poverty, illiteracy and unjust discrimination and social exclusion Angana Abasan Society - serves the people of our locality by supplying drinking water, cleaning sewerage, providing electricity, celebrating festivals etc. Angel Gospel Ministries - looking to minister to the poor, the sick and the needy with the word of God and support for their earthly needs Angel Home of Women's Trust - AHWT - serves the poor and destitute through various services Angelo Awareness & Welfare Society - works with children in difficult circumstances Angelz India Trust - provides health care, legal aid and support to the under served section of India Animators for Rural Multipurpose Development Society - ARMDS - works to create a conscience driven rural society which takes care of the needy and the deprived sections of the society Anjani Foundation - aims at restoring to poor what is rightfully theirs Anna University Study Center Nilgiri College - a center for distance learning catering to the technical educational needs of the country Annai Indira Sathya Samuga Nala Mahalir Madram (AISSNMM) - works to upgrade the rural downtrodden on socio-economic, educational and empowerment matters, especially women ANUSARAN - educates the poor / deprived children and women to come forward for their own right to live and enable them to earn their own bread Apostal Unity Faith Ministries - performs various religious and social services for the poor and underprivileged people of India Apostolic Children's Home - serves the deprived and helps the needy by providing them with food, clothing, shelter and education Arise & Shine Society - empowers school going children as well as physically challenged people through education support and rehabilitation Arnold Backx Educational Society - works to bring public awareness, education, social, spiritual, economic and humanitarian support to the poor, old people, women and orphans in Andhra Pradesh, India Arulalayam - provides various education and other services to poor and underprivileged children Arunachalam Trust - works to provide knowledge of needy poor children and caring for the long time diseased poor and the environment Arunodaya Poirada - doing very extensive work in providing health services to very remote villages in the Bellary district, one of Karnataka's very backward districts in India ARVI Trust - offers many various services to the poor and disabled including health care, vocational training, etc. ASHIRVAD Home for Orphan Children - a home for orphan and street children situated in Tuni, East Godavaris District, Andhra Pradesh State, South India Ashish Fellowship Society - works for the mentally handicapped and orphaned and semi-orphaned children of Haryana, India Ashore Foundation - acts as a link between charitable institutions, philanthropists and the needy Ashore Foundation - acts as a link between charitable institutions, philanthropists and the needy Asritha Society - runs an orphaned children's home at Sathupally, India Asset Trust - aims at eradicating female infanticide and eliminating the sumangali scheme which forces women and girls into the equivalent of slave labor Association of Mentally Handicapped Adults (AMHA) - provides professional care, vocational training, counselling and guidance to destitute mentally disabled adults Association for Needy And Neighbouring Downtrodden - A.N.A.N.D. - undertaking various programs for those suffering with poverty, illiteracy and ignorance in the region of Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India Association of Revival Tabernacle - works to uplift the dignity of under privileged by providing for their physical needs as well providing mental and spiritual uplift Association For Rural And Urban Needy - ARUN - working for the welfare of street and poor unprivileged children in the City of Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh, India Association for Rural Community Development - ARCOD - works for the social, economical, political and health empowerment of the rural poor in India Association for Rural Development and Action Research (ARDAR) - working relentlessly for the eradication of child labour, disaster management (tsunami, cyclones), livelihoods and gender issues for tribal and fishing community in India Association for Weaker Section Affairs and Rural Development - women's voluntary organisation working for development of down trodden communities Association for Welfare Activities for Rural Development (AWARD) - serves disabled women and children in the areas of health and education Association for Welfare, Social Action & Research - AWSAR - provides technical assistance to voluntary organizations and assists in their capacity building Astachhap Braj Academy - dedicated for indian heritage, culture, classical music and vrindavn Baba Saheb Ambedker Samaj Kalyan & Shodh Sansthan - works for protection of human rights & livelihood promotion in India Babiyatha Mission - provides church work, social work and care for orphans and street children ![]() Bahoumoukhi Vikas Seva Samiti - set up to join hands with all honest and genuinely concerned world citizens dedicating their creative, intellectual and spiritual energies towards a progressive eco-friendly world Bala Vikasa Social Service Society - helps the poor to help themselves Balwant Rai Charitable Eye Foundation - dedicated to providing the best eye care facilities to the poor and needy Bangalore Kidney Foundation - provides dialysis and all medical services related to kidney failures in Karnataka state of South India Banjara Tribal Development Organisation - works to assist the development of the tribal people in India Banspalla Pragati Sangha - working to help woman and their children with health education, environmental and other issues Bartimai Centre For the Blind - an outreach ministry in India to the Visually Impaired Persons (VIP), both children and adults Basic Foundation - implements a wide range of women empowerment and health projects Bethany Social Service Society - BSSS - provides educational assistance and nutritious food to the tribal and needy children Bethel Evangelistic And Rehabilitation Centre - serves the poorest of the poor in the rural villages and brings a total and holistic change by providing, education, medical care, Micro-loans, and vocational training to poor students Bethel Service Organization - helps by giving to the unfortunate souls who have been beaten, battered and bruised by life Bethel Rural Educational Development Society - educating the poor, down trodden and the untouchables in society Bethel Wisdom Charity Foundation - B.W.C.F. - believes that with guidance, support & force to unify, the people themselves can be transformed into the driving force which lifts them from abject poverty Bethesda Healing Crusade - strives to raise funds to buy land and build a school for village children Bharati Integrated Rural Development Society - BIRDS - works among the poorest of the poor for their scio-economical development Bharti Eye Foundation - a charitable institution taking care of poor and aged suffering from eye disease especially cataract blindness Bharti Foundation - caters to the nation's need for quality education Bhaskar Rural Education and Agriculture Development Society - BREADS - works to help poor and backward people to make them literate and boost self employment Bhothi Charitable Trust - wants to educate poor students of all communities and various religions Bihar Gramya Seva Sansthan - aims are to achieve sustainable improvements in the living standards of rural poor Blessed Child Orphanage - looking for support in building and maintaining an orphanage in the Nagaland region of India BMPES - a Tamilnadu Government and Government of India, external affairs registered society working from 1989 for the poorest of poor people of Southern States of India Border Welfare Society - BWS - concentrates on various developmental activities for the rural and poor people, women and children in and around the three districts of the Barak Valley Bose EMLC - a ultramodern fully equipped eye hospital located in the district of Hooghly, West Bengal Bow & Arrow - working for the welfare of the poor and indigenous people of India Bread Of Life Ministry - a public charitable, social and religious organization working for the development of children, youth, women and to uplift the downtrodden Buddha's Smile School for Underprivileged Children - a school that aims to provide quality, comprehensive education to underprivileged children in Varanasi and the surrounding region Bureau of Obligate and Accompainer for Rural Development (BOARD - strives to eliminate superstition, illiteracy, exploitation, poverty and injustice from society Campaign On Child Right & Women Violation Org. Network - working in the education sector and to help foster socio-economic and health development CARDS - working for the welfare of the underprivileged of the Southern States of India Care and Concern India - focuses on life with the goal of its transformation by involving the total community Care4Autism - works towards providing holistic care for everyone affected with Autism Care Voluntary Organization - a women orientated society striving to give everyone the opportunity for a good life Carped.org - facilitates better quality of life in all its realms through community mobilization, participatory governance based on sustainable natural resource management CECOWOR (Centre for Coordination of voluntary Works & Research) - creating an enabling environment for the liberation and development of marginalized people like women, children, low caste and other rural poor Cerebral Palsy India - a portal on Cerebral Palsy in India with news, updates and resources for educators and parents Centre of Concern for Child Labour - a voluntary organization whose mission is to promote education among deprived children Centre for Development of Science and Technology (CDST) - a scientific body concentrating on the nutritional / medical aspects of indigenous food preparations consumed in the state Centre for Economic And Development - CEAD - concentrates on the mobilization of local collective actions in order to replace dependence as a means to prevent and redress human rights violations Centre for Higher Education Charitable Society - strives to set high standards in the diverse fields of professional education and spread the desire to learn throughout the country Centre for Integrated Development - working with communities at the grass root level for ensuring egalitarian society where everybody will have equal rights and an equal voice in deciding and managing their resources Centre for Rural Development - working to ensure sustainable livelihood for poor families by using local resources and skills upgrading with community participation Chaithanya Educational and Rural Development Society - CERDS - works with men and women and children to help them identify and resolve their own problems CHAMSSS (Champakara Social Service Society) - a charitable society with a desire to help poor and help people below poverty line to improve their living conditions Chandgaon Gramvikas Pratisthan - a voluntary organization for the overall socio-economic development of our village, Chandgaon, India Cheran Region Christian Society for Disabled Children - works among the people mainly in the areas of education, health and the environment Chhotaasha Community Development Trust - provides education & rehabilitation programs for blind and physically disabled children in India "C H I L D" Ministry - doing ministry for the poor and helpless orphan children, and women welfare programmes in the rural and urban areas Child and Old Age People Orphanage Welfare Society - COPWS - committed to rescuing the abandoned and orphaned children in India and providing basic needs, education and dignity in life Children Walking Tall - dedicated to helping slum and street children in India Children's Wisdom Project - dedicated to providing support to children living in poverty in Southern India by providing practical education and essential resources Christ Friends Ministry - aspiring to build God’s kingdom through employing techniques and efforts in tune with the modern world of technology and technical know-how The Christ Home For Children - helping to care for more than 350 orphaned children in India Christian Coastal & Interior Ministries Association - CCIMA - does service in tribal villages and coastal villages of Andhra Pradesh in education and feeding orphans and providing drinking water Christian Love In Action - a Christian relief and charitable organisation specialising in meeting the spiritual and physical needs of the tribal villagers in western India Christian Youth Social Organisation - working to improve the living conditions of the poor and underprivileged through a number of projects and initiatives Christu Suda Communications & Ministries - India - working to disseminate the word of God using different media Church of the Living God Ministries - missions and partner organizations working together to build a better society Civil Society Foundation - committed to creating and providing a non-state, interactive space for collective life through its activities focusing primarily on the fishing communities in the coastal districts of Tamilnadu, India Comfort Light Ministries & Social Service Organization - is a non-profit organization started on 04-10-2011 The Comforters Charitable Trust - does gospel and community upliftment work among the poor and needy in villages around Tamil Nadu and other nearby states Community Organising for Rural Upliftment Society (CORUS) - a voluntary organisation,that conducts many welfare activities in the district of Kamool, India Community Services Trust, Salem - a registered non-profit working in the field of tribal, rural and urban development initiatives with a special focus on women and children Compassion For Poor, Charitable Trust - a place where food, clothing & shelter is provided, medical needs are met and loving care & concern for orphans, aged and destitute individuals is given Compassionate Rural Association For Social Action - CRASA - a grassroots level not-for-profit organization working for the development of poor and needy sections in the coastal villages of Krishna District, and Hraparadesh, India since 1998 focusing on children and women belonging to weaker and marginalized sections of society Consoling Hearts - provides a charitable trust to do child ministry and provide for the welfare of down trodden women and for the deserted old aged CORE (Care for Orphans Rehabilitation and Education) - works for children, especially for child rights promotion Cosmopolitan Aid Trust - dedicated to improving people’s lives by sharing advances in health and learning COST Charity - serves the poorest poor in India through health, education and socio-economic development programmes Courage India - provides support to cancer patients and their families and works to raise funds for cancer treatment and research Crime Against Man - an NGO formed to protect the rights of married men in India Cross Trust - provides assistance in educating children, improving village administration and rain conservation Crusade Against Tobacco - Branch of Neil Charitable Trust - brings awareness to school children about the ill effects of tobacco Church of Hope Ministries - CHM - strives to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the people irrespective of caste, creed, religion, sex or age and demonstrate HIS love and Compassion to the poor and the needy D-Foundation - helps the poor and destitute become self-sufficient through developing human resources, training, education, jobs, livelihoods and direct support Dalith Rural Development Society - DRDS - works to improve the status of DALITHS formerly known as "untouchables" with a focus particularly on women, children, youth, disabled and aged Darsanalaya Society - promotes the development and use of herbal remedies in the treatment of disease Deepshikha Mahila Bal Utthan Samiti - is a social welfare organisation working for enlightening the lives of poor needy community Delight Trust - works for the educational development of poor students and the socio economic development of the poor and down trodden Development Ambitions Foundation - brings positive behavioral changes in the lives of Rural and Urban poor masses specially women and children Development Initiative - works as a catalytic agency to foster positive socio-economic change in the lives of different sections of the population Development Through Education And Rehabilitation - DEAR - provides value education and empowering transgender people for a healthy and harmonious community District Padma Chhokharling Bodh Tibetian Association, Bhanod - working to save Tibetans and to save a dying civilization Divine Children's Home - a warm and loving sanctuary for destitute children, located at Trivandrum, India Divine Retreat Centre - helping people become changed spiritually and lead a much better life by attending a retreat Divine Word Charitable Trust - promotes national integrity by providing equal social status, justice and opportunities for all the citizens of India Doon Valley Charitable Society - engaged in several works for the upliftment of society Dr. Peter Charitable Trust - a small voluntary charitable trust that wants to development the rural poor people in a vulnerable society and strengthen the disadvantaged people in India Dr. Shroff's Charity Eye Hospital - has been providing quality eye care since 1914 especially to the poor and needy Drug Abuse Information Rehabilitation and Research Centre - working to address the issues of drug/substance abuse and prevention on an international basis Dudhala Gramasth Mandal - working to solve the water crisis in Dudhala Village of Lathi Taluka in Gujarat (India) and help the people of village finance and obtain the materials for building check dams and for other programmes of development Ebenezer Medical & Scientific Research Foundation - provides medical services to the poor and weaker section of the community and upliftment of women and children in the community Eco - Adventreks And Welfare Society - EAAWS - an international partnership of dedicated people, friends and concerned organisations whose mission is to eradicate poverty through their action with effects Eden Trust - established in India in 1999 and works for poor people, orphan kids, widows and elderly people Educated Unemployed Welfare Society - EUWS - works for the welfare of the people of Assam, especially the young Education and Cultural Development Society - promotes eduction and cultural development EFICOR - establishing in India a sensitivity to God's concerns on social issues and to see specific communities brought to levels of sustainable and ongoing development EFRAH - Empowerment for Rehabilitation, Academic & Health - committed to socio-economic development of the most disadvantaged, neglected and deprived section of our society EHSAAS - working to aid helpless people in constructive ways especially children who are mentally challenged or poor Elite Charitable Trust - serves orphans and children of the imprisoned, fosters rural development and provides a hostel for AIDS patients and schooling for the poor and backward Elshaddai Ministries Trust - works to improve the educational status of poor Tribal children and Dalit girls in order to meet millennium development goals Embassy Ministry International - involved in the humble task of raising orphans and destitute children Emend Charitable Trust - serves orphans and children of the imprisoned, fosters rural development and provides a hostel for AIDS patients Enrich Charitable Trust - works to improve the living conditions of poor and underprivileged people Enterpreneur Zone - works to serve and uplift the plight of students Environmental Club - working for the overall development of students through cleaning the social and geographical environment Eva Education Development Society - EEDS - a non profit volunteer society helping poor children and the aged Evangelists For Christ Ministry - trains and equips evangelists, pastors and church musicians leading to church planting, cell group prayer and prayer fellowships Fairytale - a grass roots entity that is designed to be a global village and all that can help are more than welcome to help Faith Action for Community Transformation (FACT) - making a unique attempt in promoting both community development and well as organizing welfare programmers for the weaker sections in the society Faith Gospel Preaching Church - proclaims the Gospel to the unreached places in India Faith Harvest Ministry - supports local pastors in spreading God's word to the poor, orphans, youth and leper women Faith India Ministries - works to support the poor and orphaned in India Faith India Welfare Trust - a community based development and welfare organization Family Debt Relief Trust - striving to raise and provide funds for debt relief to the poor Federation of Associations for Community Empowerment - a resource center formed towards capacitating local grass root community groups including grass root NGOs Federation of Salem Differently Abled Associations - works for the upliftment of the differently abled people of the Salem District in Tamil Nadu, India FEED Ministries - ministry based mainly on Gospel work in rural, tribal and remote slum areas with a special emphasis on orphans and widows Fellowship Of Life - works for the poorest of the poor to improve their quality of life through grassroots community groups Forum for Fact-finding Documentation and Advocacy - working to advance human rights, child rights and women's empowerment Foster Care India - pledges to keep children safe and give them life skills, insights and tools to be able to enjoy their rights in society FOTGR Charitable Trust - provides humanitarian services in accordance with the "Golden Rule" Foundation For Minorities Rights And Welfare - works for the rights, responsibilities, welfare, development, awareness, upliftment, etc, among rural, religious, linguistic, etc. minorities Fountain of Life Ministries - carries Christ's compassion to the needy Friends Foundation - promotes the physical, mental, social and moral advancement of all people without distinction of caste, creed, gender, color or community Friendship With The World - works to create lasting change in the lives of children, families and communities living in poverty and injustice Ganayaka Foundation ( Mission Odisha ) - serves the underprivileged of India in body, mind and spirit Gandhada Gudi - dedicated to the Kannada language; its culture, traditions and religious beliefs Garment India Ministries - a 25 year old faith based independent ministry having missions in three states of India that is looking to reach all of India with the word of God Ghatal Missionary Baptist Fellowship - a Baptist ministry serving God and the people of India Gilgal Charitable Trust - strives to reach the masses with the Gospel of Christ, provides lunches to school children and support to girls and women GiveIndia - a non-profit, online charity portal, helping you donate directly to over 70 reliable and trustworthy NGOs Global Churches - a non-profit organisation that witnesses Christ through its work in India Global Interior Development & Leading Alliance - GIDLA - provides free services to the poor, needy and destitute with a special emphasis on health and education The Global Youth - a non-profit, non-government organisation working towards making the Youth of Today - The youth of a Global Tomorrow Glowing Glamour - committed to the development of art and culture Go Ye Missions - sending missionaries to the unreached villages in Tamilnadu and establishing churches, an orphanage and a home for the aged Gobi Church of Christ Alpha Social Welfare Service Centre - works for the poor and destitute people and orphaned children God's Gift Foundation - is a non profitable, voluntary organization dedicated to the welfare of the special children God's Grace Charitable Trust - a hospital ministry serving the diseased in the hospitals and villages and intending to start a orphanage for children, an old age home for old and unknown, mentally disturbed self employment training and other services Good News Proclamation Services - serves the Lord in the ministry of preaching, teaching, medical care, community and children's development and reaching the unreached to build the body of Christ Good Samaritan Baptist Ministries (GSBM) - seeks to meet people’s physical and spiritual needs through direct aid, community development and sharing the love of Christ Goodshepherd - interested in helping the sick, poor, aged and homeless of the world Good Shepherd Association - GSA - a team of socially motivated individuals who came together and decided to promote a voluntary organization with the aim of reaching the unreached people in the rural and urban areas of Andhra Pradesh, India Good Shepherd Educational Society - helps needy orphan, semi orphan children and those infected or affected by HIV Goolong Sisong Educational Society - involved in education, sheltering, feeding and rehabilitation for orphaned, destitute and abandoned children and women Gospel and Social Service - using our profession, education, talents and skills in the mission to serve the poor and needy Gospel Development For Orissa - registered non-profit ministry spreading the gospel in India Gospel Divine Vision Ministries - promotes international ministries for India Gospel For Nations - works to strengthen the local church through its charity work in the villages of India Gospel Outreach Ministries Trust - dedicated to reaching out to the unreached people of India with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through church planting, crusades, tracts distribution, personal evangelism and outreach Gospel Outreach Welfare Society - works to provide support, training and care to the poor and needy Gospel Voice Mission Trust - strives to reach the perished gentile souls at any cost by all means and to serve the poor in a dedicated manner GRACE (Generous Rehabilitation And Community Empowerment) - enriching lives of under privileged through socio economic development Grace Evangelical Ministries - an evangelical ministry serving God and the people of India Grace Foundation - teaches the word of God to each and every person in the world, especially in Trichirapalli in the state of Tamil Nadu, India Grace Trust - embraces people unable to help themselves due to circumstances they cannot control Gram Vikas Trust - GVT - strives to better the socio-economic status of the underprivileged population Grama Nivaran Kendra - works for social, educational, economic and cultural development of the under developed, oppressed, marginalized, disadvantaged and weaker sections of society Grama Samaikya Seva Society - works for bonded laborers, poor people and helpless children Grameen Koota - helps poor women in rural areas and urban slums with micro credit to work themselves, and thereby their families, out of poverty Gramin Samaj Vikas Kendra, Solapur - works on child rights and sustainable livelihood programmes in rural Solapur, India Gramin Vikas Samiti Brijlalanagar (GVSB) - working for the creation of a self reliant society with regard to education, livelihood and health Green India Foundation - is based on child and women development and is trying to stop human trafficking Greenseen Foundation - creating environmental awareness through music concerts and public performances GreyQuest Technologies - a place for intellectuals GRISSMAA - committed to social change by changing the life style of less-privileged through an integrated and comprehensive program for sustainable development Guidance Society for Labour Orphans & Women (GLOW) - a voluntary, development oriented, non-profit, Non - Governmental Social Service Organization that has been at the service of the poor, the marginalized and the vulnerable sections of the society since 1996 Guild for Urban And Rural Development Society (GUARD) - implementing programmes in the drought prone areas of Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh Habel Foundation - works for the social, educational, economic and cultural upliftment of the poor downtrodden people in Kerala, India Hallelujah Village Church Trust - brings the gospel and provides care to the poor people of India Hadimba Development and Welfare Society Bilaspur - a grassroots organization working for women, children and youth rights Hands of Comfort Ministry - works to help and care for the HIV/AIDS affected and infected people in India, to eradicate bonded labor children and to help undeveloped communities HANS - Anti Hacking Anticipation Society - promotes the boons of technology and works at mitigating its ill-factors Happy Children Home - raising funds for construction of a children's orphanage Happy Life - helps poor and orphaned children Happy to Help - helps the poor, children and persons with disabilities Harmain Educational & Welfare Society - works for human, social, moral, spiritual, economical, educational, intellectual & industrial development of human kind Harvest Charitable Trust - serves to uplift the poor and needy through social, educational and religious programs Haryana Mission - plants churches in the unreached regions in North India, along with running an orphanage, slum school, training centers, etc. Headstart Resources - provides educational resources to the underprivileged Health Education And Rural Training Society (HEARTS) - focuses on special education, spiritual counseling, health care and rehabilitation for mentally challenged children and youths Health Home Society - working for better health, home and society Health Trust - a voluntary service organization working with the poor population in rural areas Hebron Educational And Charitable Trust - serves the poor and destitute through programs of Child Development, Women Development, Employment Training, Leadership Training and Emergency relief Helen Keller Memorial Association For The Blind - concerned with the overall welfare of the blind and other disabled people including dalits HELP - formed by a group of academicians, professionals, journalists and gross root level workers in 1993 with the main objective of helping to stop child prostitution, trafficking and second generation prostitution HELP - the Heath Education Library for People - aims to empower people by providing them with information to promote their health, and prevent and treat medical problems Help A Child To Study - provides educational scholarships to students from extremely poor families that have scored highly to enable them to escape the cycle of poverty Help Age Foundation - runs a home for the orphaned aged in Thevaram, India HELP - Service Organisation - helps needy, destitute and disabled people for their self support and to promote rural and tribal integrated development programmes and emergency relief and rehabilitation programmes at the time of calamities Help Society for Poor and Disabled (HSPD) - serves the people who lead their lives in perilous and disastrous conditions and poverty HELP Trust - provides basic education to underprivileged children to identify and develop inner latent talents and skills Helping Hand Ministries - helps the poor downtrodden people, protects the orphaned and disabled children and educates the tribal people living in the deep forests, valleys and on the hilltop areas Helping Hands India - works for the care and rehabilitation of orphaned and semi-orphaned children from the most disadvantaged and vulnerable sections of society Helping Hands India - caters to the orphans and poor of India while bringing them into contact with Christianity HELPS - Health Education Literacy and Progressive Society - helps the poor and needy people in india irrespective of caste, creed and race with health, education, literacy and progressive and philanthropic activities Heritage Reformed Baptist Church - invites Pastors and others to join and do the Lord's ministry faithfully and sincerely Hill-tribes Mission Aid of India - serves the needs of the poor and helpless Him Sikhar Mahila Bahuuddesi Samiti - serves the poor, children and elderly women Hindustan Evangelical Fellowship - works among orphans, poor children and widows His Voice Ministries - shares God's word with all the people, especially the poor, orphans and rural people who would otherwise be unreachable Holding Hand Organization - serves children, women and youth for the betterment of society Holy Cross Fathers - runs charitable activities like education upliftment of the poor and marginalized Holy Cross Rural Development Centre - HCRDC - works for the poor, orphans and the upliftment of women in the villages of India Holy Cross Social Service Society - HCSS - formed by a young group of educationists and activists from various segments of society and devoted to the development of primitive tribal groups Holy Gospel Ministries - dedicated to the service of women, orphans and street children of India in economically backward communities Holy Land Ministries India - working to provide social services, medical and food care and other help to the poor Hom Sidh Chariting Trust - a self-help project working to save thousands of children in India from the hands of death due to Tuberculosis Home for the Orphans - providing daily care to over 600 orphans in India Hope For The Blind Association - provides food, shelter, care and other services to the blind Hope Ministries - provides services to all the people HSSDSS - Harshavelli Samskruthika Sanghika Dharmika Seva Samsthi - runs a home for the poor and needy and is looking to build permanent housing for poor and needy families Human Education and Liberation for the Poor (HELP) - working to improve the conditions of the rural poor especially women and children in the village of its working area Human Organisation for People's Enlightment - HOPE - works for the development of the underprivileged tribes in Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh, India Human Vision Society - helps and serves the people of the economically weaker section in general and women in particular Humana People to People India - working with long-term sustainable development programs concentrating on creating development through projects in a wide range of areas such as education, child aid and community development ICGC - non profitable organisation based on he works of Dr.M.A.Iyyer Idayam Free Travel Guide Advisory Forum - promotes and provides travel information about India, its varied geography and cultures Idayam Social Welfare Mission - IDSOWEM - working for the socially and economically disadvantaged of India India Village Ministries - sharing the love of Jesus and showing the light to the people of India Indian Centre For Development and Rights (ICFDR) - works for the upliftment of marginalized and weaker sections of society Indian Christian Mission Centre - provides physical and spiritual health for orphaned children by supplying them with shelter, food, clothing and education Indian Mission's For Christ - works among the needy and lost to reach the unreached, the poor, the needy, orphans, street children and other unfortunates of society Indian Rural Gospel Mission - involved in evangelism, out-reach, and church planting, and community development social service since 2006 Indian Social Service Institute - a non-profit, secular, voluntary organisation founded for promotion of social justice and the development of weaker rural sections Indian Society for Social Action - involved in community development through Technical and Primary education in rural India Induvadhanamma Child Welfare Orphan Home - provides services that include an orphanage for senior citizens who have neither children nor property and also an orphanage for children who have no parent Institute of Integrated Development, Nagpur - promotes primary health care, rehabilitation of disabled, women & child development, rural development, cancer detection & prevention, cataract surgery & treatment of low vision in children Institution of Mass Awareness Initiatives (IMAI Trust) - works for different community needs, especially women development, soft skill training and employment training Integrated Development Organisation - works for rural development in Andhra Pradesh for health, education, agriculture and technology intervention Integrated Rural Development Society - IRDS - renders free and selfless services for upliftment and improvement of the social status of the poor and deserving people Integrated Tribal Development for Weaker Section (ITDWS) - provides very poor families with very small loans (micro credit) to help them engage in productive activities or grow their small businesses Interface Foundation - a social service support agency that works with and supports other NGOs working to improve life in India International Benevolent Research Forum - working for propagation of peace, human rights, international understanding International Budo Federation - involved in teaching the martial arts and competing in tournaments around the world International Gospel & Social Work Mission - involved in the gospel ministry among the unreached people of India The International Manna Ministries - provides various types of technical oriented support to Christian organization throughout India International Social Service - helping to develop solutions to social, political and economical problems Intercession India - concentrates on the development of children and making them better citizens iON - Indian Orphanages Network - an online portal for all orphanages in India and a not for profit organization that provides a listing of all orphanages and discussion forums for children homes and adoption homes in India ITnet - a computer institute that offers free courses for students in any school and from poor families IZAD - beginning from an idea in 2002, IZAD is striving for social change J. M. Charitable Trust - needs help for poor students in ophthalmology Jalpaiguri Swapnatoron Welfare Society - helps physically challenged persons to be self dependent using a handicraft product Jana Chaitanya Vaaradhi - works in rural areas with fisher folk people making them aware of HIV, AIDS, sanitation, education, health and the environment Janakalyan Welfare Society - an anti trafficking organization working for the prevention of child trafficking and prevention of HIV/AIDS Janbhagyodaya - works in the realm of children development and women development through training camps and health camps Jawahar Jyoti Bal Vikas Kendra - works for protection of child rights & livelihood promotion in India Jeevan Prakash Education Society - is a grass roots non-profit organisation working for the education and rehabilitation of underprivileged, handicapped and visual impaired, for women empowerment, for rural development and downtrodden children of rural villages in Karnataka, India Jeevantirth - working so that every citizen of future generations dares to think independently, live a meaningful life and become a global citizen by nurturing the local culture and heritage Jehohanan (Gift of God) Old Age Home Trust - helps the lonely, neglected, destitute and abandoned poor elderly Jehovah Jireh Church Development Trust Of India - promotes and helps the poor churches of India Jehovah Shapa - works in the poor villages to educate and help the people and bring them to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ Jeppiaar Educational Trust - the main objective of our trust is to impart Quality Technical Education to the poor people of India Jesus Gives Village Ministry - bringing the ministry of Jesus Christ to the people of India Jesus Holy Church Ministry - strives to support poor Indian pastors woking to bring God's word to the poor and orphan children Jhantipahari Rural Welfare Organisation - JRWO - provides a quantum leap for the welfare and rehabilitation of children whose only fault is they are born into a poor family Jharkhand - provides a platform where every one can be enabled and encouraged to contribute to their homeland either professionally or partially Jharkhandi World - the first ever international organization founded to share Jharkhandi culture with the world Jivan Jyot Medical Foundation - provides emergency medical relief to underprivileged, disabled and destitute as well as promoting primary health care Johns Daycare and Boarding for Senior Citizens Association - provides a warm place full of love, care and support for the aged Joseph Eye Hospital - provides accessible, affordable and appropriate range of high quality ophthalmic services Joy Ministries India - does the Lord's work with some social activities in remote areas Justice for the Deprived (S R F Charitable Trust) Regd. - working to ensure justice to every one in general and to the members of deprived class in particular JVP Nursing College - provides nursing education to poor girls and is working on a herbal cure for AIDS JVP Technical Education Trust - provides various training and health services to the poor and needy as well as conducting research into cures for HIV and cancer Jyothi Nilayam - a project organized for the promotion of the physical, intellectual, emotional, psychological and spiritual development for the poorest and most needy children in Andhra Pradesh in India Jyothi Society For Tribal And Poor Development - works with tribal peoples and the poor for development and women and child rights, rural education for people, water supplies, and HIV/AIDS awareness in villages Kandhamal Zilla Sabuja Vaidya Sangathan - KZSVS - provides social and economical service to the rural poor and tribal people residing in hill country and remote areas Kanthi Samstha -strives to help women, children and orphans belonging to poor and marginalized communities Kakateeya Youth Project - a non profit voluntary organization striving to upgrade the rural community Kakateeya Youth Project - a non profit voluntary organization striving to upgrade the rural community Karmayog.org - a free site working to assist NGOs, nonprofits, charities, etc. based in Mumbai (Bombay), India Karolvision - a Christian orphanage located in a village near Yelahanka, Bangalore in the South of India Kartabya - dedicated to the development of the slum and street children and ragpickers KEFMA - as educational foundation for multipurpose applications Keshav Chandra Chakrabarty Memorial Charitable Trust - a charitable organization dedicated to working with poor, orthopedically challenged patients K. G. Eye Hospital - provides modern facilities to all those who need them for restoring the invaluable gift of vision to the sightless Khasi Students Union - organized to help in fostering the spirit of unity, love and mutual help among the students of Meghalay Kidset Charitable Trust - supports mentally challenged people, the autistic, those suffering from cerebral palsy and multiple disability people and families Kopaye Social Change Society - strives to establish an egalitarian society that strengthens gender justice and equity, childhood development, livelihood development and self help initiatives Kosamdih Pragatisheel Yuwa Samiti, Masturi - works in 55 villages in India to foster education and economic development especially among women and the disabled Kotak Education Foundation - helps underprivileged students and youth in and around Mumbai and Raigad through education and livelihood programmes Kottayam Social Service Society - organizes social service activities in the operational areas of the Catholic Diocese of Kottayam without discrimination of caste and creed KRANTI - Key to Reform and Adopting Noble Treatment Initiatives - promotes participatory management of local resources and services K. R. Foundation - has as its goal the providing of free education to the poor children of the local village in India Kriishna's Home For Aged - formed by a dedicated social worker to help those in need Kutumba - a group foster care programme for disabled children and young people Late Dr. Bhaskar Nathuji Kotwal Shaishanik Arogya Sanstha Trust - works in the fields of health & education in tribal belt of Northern Maharastra India Late Shriram Ahirrao Memorial Trust - engaged in providing health & education services in the rural and tribal area of Dhule, Nandurbar & Jalgaon Districts in the state of Maharashtra, India Laxmi Eye Institute & Lasik Laser Center - multi-speciality eye hospital, run under the stewardship of Dr. Suhas Haldipurkar- a world renowned cataract surgeon Laypeople Education And Development Society (LEADS) - strives to develop and strengthen community based organizations to enhance their capabilities and solidarity Lay People Education And Development Trust (LEAD) - a registered public charitable trust for various developments for the rural and tribal poor people in the district of Srikakuilam of Andhara Pradesh state in India LepraHelp - helps the victims of leprosy and HIV/AIDS victim families by providing medicines, care centers and by giving a supportive hand to their children and families to develop their income through self supported projects Leverage Trust - works for the betterment of poor and needy peoples in the rural villages of Pudukkottai District of Tamil Nadu in South India Light Of Hope Association - helps oppressed children Lions Club Agra Ekta - empowers volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs Lions Club Of Agra Greater - seeking funds and assistance in its plans to build a girls school Lions Club Of Pirojshanagar, Vikhroli, Mumbai - an active Club of Lions under District 323A2 in Mumbai, India that has undertaken many permanent projects for society at large Living Hope Mission (Hope for Poor) - supports pastors and children in India Living Light Urban & Rural Development Society - LLURDS - a small ministry in India that is Evangelizing among orphans and widows Living Organization Rural Development Society - endeavors to restore and rebuild the deprived and underprivileged people of India Living Water Ministries International - a christian not for profit organization making a difference in India LOGOS Orphan Home - a home for orphan and street children situated in P.A. Palli village, Nalgonda District, Andhra Pradesh State, South India LORD (Loyal Organisation For Rural Development) - provides services to the poorest of the poor in Andhra Pradesh while bringing them the word pf the Lord Jesus Christ The Lord Jesus Christ Church Society - involved in different social activities including medical and health care for the poor and education programmes for children Lovedale Foundation - active in the field of children's needs, education, concerns and rights since 2001 focusing on promoting education for the less privileged, neglected, abandoned children and orphans Madurai Health And Leprosy Relief Centre - renders community based promotive and preventive services to those affected by leprosy Mahila Swaraj Abhiyan (MSA) - a state wide informal network of Non-government Organisation (NGOs) working on women’s issues in 13 districts of Gujarat, India Manav Charities - founded for the development of society through socio-economic, educational, health, community development and other activitieshref Manav Sehyog Society - has been working in the field of health care and education since 1973 in Jalandhar, Punjab India Manav Vikas Seva Samiti (MVSS) - works for economic development and literacy in rural areas and empowering poor and backward people for their rights Manitham Trust - visualizes a child and women centered society, which will be equalitarian, where human beings live in unity without any discrimination on the basis of caste, race and religion, language and gender Manna Bible Literature - a Christian organisation working in the remote villages of Andhra Pradesh MARGADARSHI Action for Social Service - working with Yanadi tribes in Chittoor District concentrating on child rights and community needs Masthihalla Village Center - developing an agro-training center in India Matha Socio Educational Society - is working towards the economic and social development of previously disadvantaged communities in rural and urban areas Mauli Multipurpose Charitable Society - an NGO working in the field of medico-social related activities to serve the needy and deserving people from all walks of society Medical Aid Society (MAS) - provides free medical aid for heart disease, cancer & all killing diseases for the poor The Mentally Retarded Welfare Society (MRWS) - an initiative aimed at providing assistance to orphans and single parent children Mercy Out Reach Gospel Ministries - uses sports, music, drama, dance, witnessing and other vehicles as a platform to present the Gospel to all the people Meriba Child Care and Community Development - dedicated to working for children and uplifting the poor MGR Memorial Trust - a community service organization in India especially helping poor, deaf and dumb children M.I.C. - a computer education center teaching computer operating to poor students M I Initiatives Sports and Social Foundation - dedicated to bring education and sports training to the less privileged young men and women of our nation Milton Charitable Foundation for the Visually Handicapped - takes the initiative for education, socio-economic rehabilitation, aid advocacy and empowerment of the blind MINDS Society - aims to promote and implement sustainable development practices, policies and strategies in Africa through dissemination of information, training, education, research, advocacy and campaigning Minority Educational & Welfare Society - works among minorities of india for education, art, culture up gradation Mitra Holistic Health Society - a registered purely voluntary organisation basically concentrated on global health related issues, Yoga and meditation Mitra Social Service Society - provides various social services to HIV/AIDS sufferers and their families Mobile Creches Mumbai - provides integrated day care services for the children of migrant construction workers at the actual construction sites Mosjos Evangelical Mission Trust - serves uncared for people of society with the word of God gospel through the planting of churches Mosjos Healthcare Research Foundation & Charitable Trust - started with the objective to help the poor, needy and down trodden people who need health care and shelter Mother Theresa Development Research Institute - formed in July 1998 by a group of committed youth to undertake action oriented research programmes in villages Moto (Miracle Organisation Trust for Orphans and Old Aged) - trying to help those in need especially the victims of HIV/AIDS Mouksh Foundation - teaches the poor, provides sanitation work, donates clothes and provides jobs Mount Carmel School - a school set up in Rishikesh, Uttaranchal area of India to minister among the Hindus imparting Christian morals and education M. S. Human Care Rural Dev. Society - is working to build a class free society Mukti - envisions a world, where hunger is unheard of and health and education are basic rights - Indian Chapter Mulnivasi Mukti Manch - works for indigenous and tribal people for their welfare and development Myhometown - dedicated to helping the disabled and handicapped improve the quality of their lives NAAZ Welfare Society For Urban & Rural Development - works in the fields of youth education, promotion of peace and development, women's basic human rights and basic education for deprived children Nagrik Foundation - works in the field of rural education and health under the umbrella of human rights Naisargik Trust - works for the optimized use of natural resources by participatory strategies and developing concepts of equity among resource deprived peoples Narayan Sewa Sansthan - an NGO started as an effort by a solitary individual 15 years ago that has now become an organization with many welfare activities Narain Sewa Sansthan - provides support and services in the fields of health, education and the environment Narsingh Sports Samiti - works for all sections of society including religion, culture, social and sports activities Natham Trust - providing social services dealing with HIV, natural disaster, health, public awareness and helping the downtrodden National Environment & Education Development (NEED) - works for the development of neglected communities in both urban and rural areas National Institute for Sustainable Development (N.I.S.D.) - works for rural development and for the uplift of rural poor masses, especially the Bidi workers and persons displaced due to irrigation projects Nature - seeks needed funds to continue working with the people living in poor villages Nava Chaitanya Yuvajana Sangham (NCYS) - addresses the issues of human trafficking and works for child rights and child related issues Need To India - committed to rural development and helping the poor especially women and children in need NeoHumanist Foundation - works with a scientific and practical approach towards mental expansion, ecology, spirituality and social change Network for Youth Development and Healthy Environment (NYDHEE) - voluntary and non-profit organisation working in the field of health, environment, education, rehabilitation and women empowerment, etc. New Earth Team - works for the empowerment of children, women, tribals, small and marginal farmers, unorganized workers and dalits through development interventions and education programs New Life Foundation Ministry - NLFM - serves the poor and needy with the love of Jesus New Life Victory Welfare Association - works to promote the Gospel and community development New Life Power Gospel Fellowship - works to reach the unreached and tell the untold through Evangelism and caring for orphans and the poor New Light Ministries - works among the poor and needy to love, serve and guide them to live a better life NGONet - Wise Men Civic Welfare Association - provides a global portal for non-profit workers NGOs-Network in Solidarity for Peoples Development (NSPD) - a network of 24 NGOs working in Guntur, Krishna, Prakasham and Nalgonda districts of Andhra Pradesh, India Ngulpui Development Foundation - engages in and initiates development programmes for hospitals, educational Institutions, vocational training centres, housing and socio-economic and community development programmes to alleviate poverty Nibandhana Prayer Ministry - brings the word of God to the people of India Nilgiri College - a unit of the Rural Development Institute Trust Nilgiri College Of Technological And Management Sciences - a pioneer institution in information arts, sciences, commerce, management & engineering education NIRDA - National Integrated Rural Development Agency - formed to bridge the gap between people and the developmental process Noble Educational Empowerment Society - NEES - strives to inspire and equip the masses to reach their divine potential Noble Vocational Training Welfare Centre - working to bridge the gap between the financially weaker sections & expensive computer education / vocational training North East Regional Education Foundation - works for the welfare of society, especially poor and needy students OAZOANE - The Society for Development of Human Abilities - a state level voluntary, development organization of grass root groups to initiate, support and strengthen community groups in their efforts to solve the micro level problems through community evolved, community intended and community propelled actions Olivia Minority Educational And Social Development Society - working to improve the lives of the poor and bring them the word of God Om Sakthi Peetam - runs a free school, old age home and provides training to destitute women and 100 orphaned children Omashram Trust - Old Age Care - provides a home away from home for the elderly in the evening of their lives Omega Gospel Ministries - works among the non-christian and needy, women and orphans ORDER - undertaking various projects to increase the quality of life for backward and needy people in India Organization for Under Privileged Society - committed to social justice, sustainable development and human rights Overcomers' Harvest Net - a Christian Ministry committed to community development Ozone Environment - working to protect the earth and its environment Paebas - serves the downtrodden poor people who need health care and live under poverty conditions and below the general standard of living Panpagam Social Service Organisation - serves women and child development through community participation and promotes youth and the dalit community Pardada Pardadi Educational Society - educates impoverished girls in rural India to provide social and economic empowerment Parents Association Of Mentally Handicapped Of Jamshedpur - reaches out to the parents of mentally retarded children to help find a lasting solution to their problems and provide lifetime shelter Parivarthana - works for the development of the people in Shikaripura Taluk of Shimoga District in India Partake Development Society - established as a capacity building and technical support organisation for the vulnerable People Education & Social Action Trust - a grassroots community development organization with a focus on the development of the community of the urban slums, street children, child labourers and children in distress People Against Corruption - joins people together to fight against all forms of corruption ![]() People's Action for Development - PAD - working for a desirable state of socio-economic equity, gender justice in the family and community Peoples Development Service Trust - started by like mind youth who want to develop the rural poor and promote volunteerism to help strengthen disadvantaged children Peoples Multipurpose Service Organization - PMSO - works for the welfare of women and children in the low economic groups especially in the slum areas of the Madurai District in India Peoples' Rights Education Movement (PREM) - working to promote, protect and defend the rights of the Korkus people living in the Melghat Reserve region of India Phillip Faith Ministries - spreads the gospel and works for rural development through outreach Pitambara Jan Kalyan Trust - works in the areas of women's empowerment to overcome poverty Poets For Environment and Nature - Poets concerned about the pressing need for environmental protection activities Poor, Handicapped Development Welfare Society and Gospel - woks for HIV/AIDS affected children and the handicapped Potters Wheel Fellowship - bringing up orphaned and needy children by finding ways and means of meeting their spiritual, physical and social needs and reaching out to all the children with the Gospel of Jesus Christ Prachi Youth Social Organisation - a small NGO in Kakatpur, Astarang block of Puri, Orissa, India seeking financial support for a school, hospital and library Prasad Child & Mother Health Care Centre - Rural Centre - a rural satelite health care center caring for children and mothers on a charitable basis PRATISTHA - brings together youth activists to empower them and improve the lives of people PRAVAH - over all goal is to initiate a movement in Gujarat, India for ensuring a safe, adequate, sustainable and self reliant water supply for drinking and other domestic purposes PRAXIS-Institute for Participatory Practices - working to eradicate poverty by helping the poor to analyze, plan and act towards their own development PRERANA - strives to bring downtrodden people into the mainstream Priyadarsini Educational And Rural Development Society - PERDS - works to combat human trafficking, prevent second generation prostitution, prevent HIV /AIDS and bring about gender equity in the community Project "Life", SMECT - reaches out to needy people through its various programmes on health, education, environment and assistance Promise Mission - works for the needy and poor, runs medical and youth camps and brings the word of Jesus to the people PURATCHI TRUST - focused on improving downtrodden women by providing them varied chances for jobs to improve physically, mentally, and economically Purbachal Ananda Foundation - dedicated to helping children and the elderly marginalized by destitution and abject poverty Pushpa Rani Educational Social Society - runs a special school for mentally handicapped and programmes like education, health and others RAHI - works in social activity for the Pahari Korwa (tribes) and Dom (poor dalit community) in Chhattisgarh of Jaspur district of India Rainbow Academy - a non-profit ICSE School for the underprivileged, disadvantaged and needy children in Gorubathan, Darjeeling, India Rajshree Bahuddesiya Sevabhavi Sanstha - an active NGO in social, medical and education fields, especially in IT - Information Technology Ramakrishna Math - formed for the service of god in man for the pursuit of the path for devotion and knowledge leading towards the supreme goal "moksha" (freedom) Ramakrishna Mission Tuberculosis Sanatorium - premier medical institution in Ranchi, India serving poor TB patients, distributing free milk to children and serving GOD in MAN Ramasubramanian Memorial Foundation - dedicated to support the people affected by cancer and campaign for cancer awareness, prevention and control Rapid Response - provides immediate, effective and sustainable support for the victims of natural disasters Rays of HOPE Ministries - an NGO in India in it's initial beginning stage with a vision and calling to bring HOPE to those living hopeless lives Reach - focuses on child rights and conducts legal aid camps in the Khamman district of India REGIL.GR Charities - strives to increase the flow of resources from corporations and high net worth individuals to the not-for-profit sector Relief Action Net - supports the victims of Tsunami in the region of Tamilnadu, India Renaissance Social Welfare Society - RSWS - involved in multi-faceted services in the rural areas and the development of women and children with a main focus on activities towards gaining better education, health, economic stability and to protect their rights Resource Institute of Social Education - RISE - functions as a non-profit, non- sectarian, non-political & non-Governmental organisation in various areas including women and child development, poverty eradication, community health promotion, etc. Revival For All Ministries - carries the Gospel to unreached millions in India; support orphans and poor for basic needs including education, feeding and medical needs of old-aged; reviving village churches and pastors and strengthens believers through gospel magazines and revival crusades Revival Tabernacle Fellowship India - carries the Gospel to unreached millions in India, supports orphans and poor, revives village churches and pastors and strengthens believers through gospel magazines and revival crusades Richmond Carey Foundation - an evolving organization with ample substance and a treasure trove of doable ideas for the next generation Right Development Consultants (Unit of RIF) - deals with various sectors of health, education and development Rights Education And Development Centre - working with children in general and Dalit children in particular to improve the quality of their lives and obtain social justice Rising Stars - wants to empower the vulnerable sections of society by building their capacities through education, health and skill-based development Rosema Ayurveda Hospital & Research Centre - working to popularize Ayurveda as a holistic health care system based on the healing power of nature Rotary Club of Baroda Jawaharnagar - a member of Rotary International that has taken up a project to provide clean drinking water, classroom furniture, books and other educational aids, uniforms, etc. to under-privileged children Rotary Club of Ichalkaranji - working to provide services to help those in need of various types of medical care and education Rotary Club of Madras Porur - a non profit organisation doing community service at Chennai, India Rotary Club Of Mumbai Parleshwar - Providing community service projects in India Rockcity Dot Net User Group - RDNUG - spreads technical knowledge and leverages knowledge sharing amongst peers through various events RRHEDS - Redemption Research for Health and Educational Development Society - provides quality of education, awareness and health care in the spirit of the society, especially to the poor, the disadvantaged and the disenfranchised irrespective of caste and creed Rupsona Gramin Vikas Network - working for the advancement of the India, especially the poor backward people, the underprivileged children and the senior and aged elders Rural Development Institute -Trust - provides vocational types of education that have a specific relation to working life Rural Health India - dedicated to the development of Natural Medical therapies Rural Identity and Cultural Education (RICE) - working to improve the conditions of the rural poor especially women and children in the villages of its working area Rural Institute of Medical Sciences - committed to community care through a well rounded program of information, education and communication Rural Integrated Development Trust - working to improve the conditions of the poor by fostering economic development through education Rural Women and Children Development (RWCD) - organizing women under a grass root level structure called SHG with the view of the political mobilization of poor women and removal of the caste system Ryon Info - working to increase knowledge among all people SAATH - works towards building partnerships with the local government, private sector, other NGOs and professionals to attain equitable and sustainable human settlements Sabina Yesmin - strives to support and assist displaced and vulnerable people Sadhana Village - an innovative effort at care and rehab of mentally challenged adults in India Sadri Bible Fellowship & Education Trust - working to bring the Bible to the people of India and improve the quality of life for all the people Saharjya - working towards the development and upliftment of society and people in need Sahiti Charitable Trust - cares for the unemployed and unskilled St. George's Jacobites Syrian Orthodox Church Society - a Christian Church engaged in doing charity activities like helping the poor by providing them with free food, clothing , education etc. St. Lukes Interior Mission Welfare Society - serves the socially backward and under privileged communities of the rural and tribal areas of coastal Andhra Pradesh in India St. Paul's Educational & Welfare Association - cares for street children, orphans, the poor and needy Salem Children Mission - SCM - established with the commitment to safeguard the fundamental rights of children SAMA Foundation - promotes accessible and inclusive community for persons with disabilities with special focus on children with disabilities Sama Samaaja Seva Samithi - provides social services to the poor and unemployed without discrimination of any form Samanvaya - a NGO being run in North Eastern India with activities concentrated mostly in the upliftment,education and health awareness in the Uttaranchal region of Garhwal Sambhav Social Service Organization - a voluntary agency working in the areas of rural and urban development, child education and women empowerment through advocacy, direct program interventions and capacity building Sameem Mahila Mandali - works to develop down trodden women, provide child welfare, provide services to disabled, provide HIV/AIDS awareness camps/care centers and educational and skill development services SAMPARC - Social Action for Manpower Creation - believes educational and cultural change in the mind of people and community can change the society Samson Rural and Urban Needy Society - works for the welfare of the downtrodden, illiterate, disabled, aged, economically backward and destitute Sanjeevani NGO - is a rural development organization active in uplifting the poor and empowering women Sankar Foundation - dedicated towards bringing light through it rays of hope in the life of many brothers and sisters who would otherwise loose their vision Sankara Eye Centre - endeavors to provide quality eye health care to all regardless of socioeconomic considerations and to do this with empathy Saradha Educational and Charitable Trust - helps poor and needy babies, children and women Saraswati Anath Shikshan Ashram - a unique shelter home for a deprived, isolated, parent-less children who do not gets any support from the society Sark Foundation - a rural, socio-economic, development foundation for those who are in need Sarvajanik Shikshonnayan Sansthan - SSS - works extensively in the rural areas of India particularly in Uttar Pradesh on health, education, environment, social welfare and national integration issues SAS SNDP Yogam College - provides guidelines and counselling for career and placement opportunities to college students to college students Satnam Sewa Ashram - works to reach the neediest of the needy and help them through the powers of the Ashram Satya Chaitanya Charitable Trust - serves poor and needy people in rural, tribal and urban areas Saurashtra Jaldhara Trust - working to solve the water crises in the Saurashtra, Katch and north Gujarat regions of Gujrat State in India Save Animals Society - SAVANS - working for tribal people, the environment and protection of animals Savior's Heartbeat Ministries - preaches the Gospel and helps orphans, the poor, the old and widows in India SAWCR - Society for Advocacy of Women and Child Rights - a bold initiative taken by the youth, with an orientation to bring fundamental change in the thought process of people regarding their society and its problems SEARCH - Society for Education, Action and Research in Community Health - works with marginalized communities in the areas of community health care, research and training SECURE - Socio Economic Cultural Upliftment Rehabilitation Society - works for empowering India by vocational training and skill development SERUDS - works for the elevation of under privileged children, destitute women and youth using a holistic approach that addresses the educational, environmental and economic welfare of the community Servants of the People Society - a National Organisation working for the upliftment of the society through a wide Network all over India Serving Friends Foundation - assists tribal christian students, blind children, rag-pickers, child-laborers and orphans Seva Charity Foundation - working for socio-economic change through education Sevabharathi - serving the needy and remotely located tribal & rural people of Telangana and Rayalaseema districts of India Sevalaya - provides free homes and education for poor, destitute, orphan children; free homes for poor, destitute, senior citizens and health care for the poor S G B S Trust - provides free vocational training to underprivileged youth Shalem Ministries - has main goals to educate, to equip, and to enrich wisdom and knowledge and help people to lead a peaceful life which is the art of living Shalom Ministry & Prayer Band - provides church ministry and tuition aid to children Shanti Kunj - a non-profit organisation is being run for the welfare, shelter and education for the destitute people like old aged, HIV +, Disabled, orphan, widows, etc Shantidhara Social Service Society - a voluntary organization working for the development of education, agriculture and women and girl children in the rural area of Visakhapatnam district in India Share A Service - serves as a connecting media in the field of services Share The Word Ministries - a non-denominational and evangelical Christian organization working to spread Christ's teachings in India Sheeba Social Welfare and New Life Development Association - helps orphaned children through the New Life Church Shemrock International School - is one of the leading schools in Panchkula, Chandigarh and Delhi in India Shepherd's Fold Orphanage & School - provides care, protection and basic needs for surviving fatherless children who are orphaned, infected and affected by the HIV/AIDS Shikhar Yuwa Manch - works for the socially deprived and people with disabilities for there rehabilitation and rights Shiny Rural Consultancy - works with the poor in order to help them have a better life SHODH - Sustainable Development Initiatives - commits itself to promote, strengthen and initiate action and research that focus on sustainable development in urban as well as rural areas of India Shri Jagruti Bahuudeshiya Vikash Shikshan Sanstha - objectives are to establish a society founded on the value of equality, justice, peace & progress, eliminating poverty, hunger, injustice, ignorance, illiteracy, exploitation & inhumanity Shri Shakti Khadi Gramodhyog Sangh - works for the tribal community through income generation and providing a livelihood SiCE Computer Education - provides job oriented computer education and training to unemployed youth, and guides them in getting good jobs SimplyGive Foundation - provides a safe, secure online donation processing facility Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Foundation, Pune - working towards the eradication of illiteracy, gender inequality and superstitions from society SLAW - striving to create awareness about industrial pollution among lower middle classes families living in and around industrial areas SMILE Society - provides different welfare activities for the under privileged kids in India Social Action and Rehabilitation Centre (SARC Trust) - working to overcome problems of prostitution and child abuse in India Social Activities of Rural Development Society (SARDS) - helps all people at different levels including children and those suffering from HIV/AIDS Social Concern for Integrated Development - nonprofit organization concerned with child rights, human rights, gender issues and equality Social Education for Rural Development - SERD - is working to achieve a safe and just world free of poverty, violence, discrimination, man induced calamities, child labour, untouchability, illiteracy, abuse and pollution Social Welfare Society (SWS) - Assam - helps the poor and needy people of society Social Welfare Society - Rajasthan - provides free computer education for poor students Society Against Violence in Education (SAVE) - works against violations of human rights in the name of "ragging" in Indian educational institutions Society For Awakening Youth - working for the rural poor to improve the quality of their lives Society for Community Action Network-India (SCAN-INDIA) - serves children, youth and women in the areas of health, education and vocational skill training Society For Community Organisation And Rural Development - provides development, rehabilitation and empowerment services among socially and economically weaker section of society Society for the Development of Rural Women and Children - SDRWC - working to bring grass root changes through education while respecting the village systems or structures of India Society for Earnest and Voluntary Action (SEVA) - seeking funds to continue helping orphans and the poor and needy around Tenali, India Society For Empowering The Vulnerable Artisans - working to empower local artisans Society For Empowerment & Advocacy - a development oriented non-profit organisation, working towards the sustainability of health, education and livelihood Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Husbands - works to preserve the rights of husbands and protect them from unjust claims by wives and their families Society for Solidarity and Reconstruction - works at the grass roots level to help the poor and disadvantaged in a number of ways Society for Welfare Awakening Training & Health Implementation - SWATHI - works in the fields of health, education, child labour eradication, abolition of liquor, environmental protection, rural & tribal welfare and blood donation Society For Western Orissa Research & Development - PRERANA - a project for self employment and education for unemployed people Society for Women Enlightenment Awareness and Relief (SWEAR) - reaches the unreached with the saving gospel of Jesus Christ and transforms the lives of children, women, families and communities living in poverty and injustice Society for Women's Education and Awareness Development - promotes the interests and all round welfare of all the socially, educationally, economically, politically and culturally oppressed women of Tamil Nadu Softline Institute of Computer Education - a well established and infrastructured computer training center in Guntur, India Solace Foundation India - a Christian faith based organization that aims at reaching the unreached people South Bengal Institute For Community Studies - committed to improving lives SPARSH Balgram - provides a home for orphans and poor street children Spirit Of Life Mission - gives hope to Dalit women and children through employment and education SPURTHI - promotes education, nutrition, HIV/AIDS prevention & control and health development of young children in rural, poor areas SR Charities - increases the flow of resources from corporations and high net worth individuals to the not-for-profit sector Sri Annai Trader - helping to preserve our natural resources and prevent felling of trees by marketing eco-friendly fuels Sri Aparnambigai Shakthi Trust - formed to help poor and physically disadvantaged children through education, care and support Sri Ekula Nagaiah Memorial Disabled Service Society - serves the downtrodden, spiritually, mentally and physically Sri Little Angels Love n Care Mission - nonprofit Christian ministry serving the Lord Sri Vivekananda Sevashrama - conducts free cataract surgery camps around Bangalore City and surrounding districts in the state of Karnataka, India SSRD Society - offers support services in the rural areas of India SSWARD (Society for Social Welfare, Agriculture and Rural Development) - responding to the problems of poverty, illiteracy, ill health, ignorance, inadequate educational and health facilities that were widely prevalent in needy areas Star Social & Human Welfare Organization - advocates women's empowerment and offers relevant services to accomplish its purpose STEER FOUNDATION - involved in various areas of education, women and girl's development, income generation and self-employment of slum residents and network building so as to improve society Strides Society - helps the needy with innovative and unique ideology to provide sustainable programmes to the needy people on issues like health / sanitation, women & child welfare, Income generation, and education Sudershan Reddy Charitable Trust - provides various services including health camps and monetary help to cancer patients for their chemotherapy Sugway - formed to help people in distress Sundarban Minority Welfare Trust - works in rural areas to promote health and education Sundrani Charitable Eye Hospital Samiti - serves the eye patients of India through two hospitals with three operation theatres, four Ophthalmic Surgeons & 42 para medical staff Sundrani Eye Hospital - Bhandara - gives the glory of eyes to those who can’t see the mesmerizing beauty of the world A Sunilkumar Help Centre - helps poor and impoverished people Sunrays Orphan House - helping orphans to survive by providing them with a helping hand SURRE Trust (Social Upliftment And Rural Reconstruction Ecology) - works with PLHAS, WIPS, women and children in the areas of health, education, the environment and agriculture SUSI Charitable Trust - fosters child care and education, care and rehabilitation of mentally ill and humanitarian works Swami Shanti Prakash Charitable Eye Hospital, Gwalior - serves eye patients by providing free operations to the poor and down trodden of society Swaminarayan Disasters Volunteers Organization - helps needy and flood afflicted people, poor people with various services and any kind of help Sweekar Org. For Caring Health Education & Environment - working for the well being of AID's patients, providing child education, working for the eradication of child labour and exploitation and planting trees to help the environment Sylom Blind Centre - helps children, youth and women in different ways including food, shelter and improvement of their lives Tambaram Community Development Society - TCDS - provides services to women and children in need of help with their health and education Tamilnadu Depressed Women Welfare Society (TNDWWS) - a voluntary democratic developmental organization, working for the welfare and development of poor deserving people in rural areas of Trichirapplli district in Tamilnadu state, India Tami Nadu Open University - LRC - formed to benefit those who have been deprived of and/or denied access to higher education Tamilnadu Research Institute For Medical And Social Services - a registered secular organization involved offering services for the welfare and development of poor deserving people in the Trichirappalli, Thanjavur and Pudukkottai districts of India Tamil Nadu Tribal Development Society - facilitates a just and participatory social order where the rights of indigenous people, dalits and women are protected TAPRISH - activities center around HIV / AIDS, downtrodden children, residential schools, tuition centers and handicapped children TEA Trust - Team for Education and Action Trust - does various rural developmental programmes in literacy, health, women empowerment and physical development of villages Tej Gyan Foundation - founded with the objective of spreading the message of happy thoughts and spiritual knowledge to one and all Thakurpukur Love and Care Society - cares for poor and neglected children Thangam Memorial Trust - is an animal welfare trust in Tirupur, South India that cares for stray and abandoned pets Therapy Choice - an alternative medicine group using "Reiki" techniques to achieve positive health, prosperity and feeling good Times Of Philanthropy (TOP) - provides social marketing concepts to support national and state community welfare programs to bring about the development of education and health Titus Faith Ministries - T.F.M. - aims to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ personally to the unreached crowd of India Toronto-Calcutta Foundation - a non-profit organization helping to alleviate poverty in Calcutta and surrounding areas The Touch of Hope Foundation (THF) - dedicated to serving humanity and reaching out to break the cycle of hopelessness especially among unserved and the underserved Traditional School Of Martial Arts, India - offers free coaching of martial arts to interested students Transfigured Ministry - preaches the word of God among unreached people and conducts revivals and street rallies Trinity (India) Broadcasting Services - using broadcasting to spread and strengthen Christianity in India and also support the fight against breast cancer Udisha - promotes art, culture, development of education and employment The Ultimate Truth Preaching Mission - provides free education to the needy and underprivileged Chakma children in Mizoram State, India Unique Chemistry - provides an audio-video system especially developed for mentally retarded children and for initial learning of the whole child United Christian Faith Group of Ministries - preaches and teaches the whole gospel to all people by making disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ while aiding in education and feeding the poor United Heart Foundation - provides heart disease assistance without regard to race, ethnicity, political or religious affiliation, gender, or ability to pay in developing countries Unity Charitable Trust - a registered NGO based in Tamilnadu, India having many volunteer opportunities Universal Smile Life Charitable Foundation - actively involved in social charitable work for the down trodden of society by providing free education, vocational training, awareness program on self employment in rural areas for men and women, food for the poor orphaned and the old aged USEEDPP - working to help the world by educating people and conserving the environment Uttaranchal Worldwide - helps the locals in the Uttaranchal region of India in education, lifting their lifestyle and health Vaan Foundation - works for or the upliftment of downtrodden children and women VAIGAI Trust - utilizes available natural resources through community participation with a mutual benefit perspective in order to achieve social and natural well being of all people Vallalar Educational Trust - supports a school for poor and needy children VD Foundation of India - believes all children have the right to the best education Vellore Village Ministry - ministering to the needs of the rural poor in India Venkateswara Eye Research Institute - dedicated to the care of eye patients and research into new and better forms of treatment Vestal - works in the areas of women empowerment, female foeticide, eradication of child labour, awareness on hiv/aids, environmental issues and rural poor development Vidyanagar Nature Club - VNC - working for environment education, awareness and protection in Anand and Kheda District of Gujarat, India Vikas Samarthan Kendra - VSK - focuses on contributing holistic development attempts in area of natural resources and human resources The Village Gospel Missionary Of India - ministers in the unreached areas of Northern India, primarily concentrating in Bihar state of Gaya, Nawada, Jehanabad, Aurgabad, Buxcer, Arra, Arrbal etc. Virodhi Foundation - working to reduce AIDS and HIV in the community and provide care, support and counselling to those infected VISA-INDIA - dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities in rural India to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice Vishal Bharat Shansthan - works for the education, health and welfare of the poorest members of society Vivekananda Seva Samity - a grass root level organization operating at rural and urban areas in West- Bengal, India with a target group of children, woman, youth and vulnerable elderly persons Vivekavardhini Education Society - provides free education to one and all irrespective of caste and creed Voice India Development Trust - VIDT - among the leading organizations in the District providing health services to women, adolescents and family members who are in distress Voice of Gospel Ministry - trains native missionaries and plants indigenous churches and runs mercy homes for the orphan and abandoned children in India VOICE --- Voluntary Organisation In Community Enterprise - a voluntary organisation which works for the welfare of street children by educating them Voluntary Action for Community Health - working to improve the health status among rural women Webnet Communications (p) Ltd - provides free information about the only 100% literate Kerala State in India WE CARE - reaching out in love and service to all peoples, especially the poor, women, and children, without any kind of discrimination We Hope - helps people of different backgrounds having differing problems We The People - a collective of people that has been initiated to spread awareness about laws and to work in the field of legal literacy, human rights and gender issues WEEDU Foundation - Trust - reaches out to the weaker section of society through education, empowerment, development and upliftment White Dove Social & Educational Charitable Trust - promotes education of all types including formal, non-formal, informal, technical and sports to improve society White Memorial Educational Society, Attoor - runs various hospitals, schools, colleges and free medical services in rural areas among poor in India Wisemen Civic Welfare Association - working to bring socio-economic change in poor Wisemen Foundation - provides filial support, compassionate love, care, shelter to orphaned children and disabled, helpless, homeless senior citizens Women Welfare Federation - works for the sustainable development of women and neglected girl children among the rural poor Women's Organisation in Rural Development [WORD] - working for the upliftment of the rural folk in all spheres of their lives especially women and children Woodstock School - provides care and education to needy children from poor and low income families Working Association for Rural Development - provides education, career guidance, direct services, advocacy and information to people in need World Integration and Improvement Initiative - believes in a world where the countries do not have armies, and security to people of all countries is provided by a democratic World Government World Vision India - a Christian humanitarian organisation working to create lasting change in the lives of children, families and communities living in poverty and injustice Yanadi Education Society - YES - striving to help the illiterate and poor tribal people of India Yatn - Non Profit Organization - a non profit organisation involved in different social activities including medical and health care for the poor and education programmes for children Yooharach Educational and Charitable Trust - ministers among the unreached people in the Northwest region of India You and Yours Club - helps the poor and children with food, education and other facilities Young Indin - helping youngsters in India who want to contribute to their country Youth Association for Rural Development Society (YARDS) - works for the poor and needy people in the health, education and economic sectors Youth for Self & Social Change - works for the development of youth through education to achieve personal and professional development Yuvak Vikas Kendra - maintains a home for the aged in Tamilnadu, India Zion Evangelistic Ministries - ZEM - promotes all aspects of human development such as physical, social, educational, economical, health advancement and inspiring people through moral, ethical and spiritual services Zion Faith Ministries - a place where great revivals and mighty healings take place Zion Mount Church - builds churches and works to help children and widows in the surrounding communities Zo Indigenous Forum - established for the Zo People living in the world to promote and protect their cultural, political, economic and social rights |
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